Adventures in Doc Writing: Come Check Out What We’ve Been Up To
Here on the dark side, err I mean, doc side, we’re always working on making our docs the best they can possibly be. Just as each revision of streaming analytics brings you bug fixes (and sometimes new features), we strive to refresh our docs every few months so that you always have the newest and greatest version at your fingertips. And it’s not just the 2.0 SP 02 docs we’re refreshing, we also update the 1.0 SP 12 and 2.0 SP 01 doc sets. What’s that you’re saying? You haven’t looked at our docs? What?!? There’s no time like the present!
Here are some of our latest doc enhancements:
We added an FAQ
You’re welcome. But seriously, this FAQ is filled with lots of helpful info ranging from installation to cockpit to machine learning and IoT. We’ve added it to the 1.0 SP 12 and 2.0 SP 01 – 02 doc landing pages, but keep in mind that the information and terminology in each version may vary slightly based on the functionality in that release.
If you look through and find that we’re not answering some of your questions, please comment below so we can investigate and maybe add that content. We will continue to expand on the content but the more we hear from you, the better the guidance in the FAQ can be.
Easier to determine when a new feature was added
We’ve switched up the format of our What’s New guide a bit so that you can easily and quickly identify when a new feature was added. In each of the header topics, you’ll find a table outlining the feature, a link to its topic, the revision in which the feature was added, and the date that revision was released.
Getting a permanent license key for streaming analytics
If you haven’t gone through the steps of getting a permanent license key, check out this topic first. It will walk you through the process step-by-step. It’s about the same as for SAP HANA with some minor differences.
Updated image maps
We’ve given our guide navigation image maps a slight makeover. They’re prettier now, but don’t just take my word for it. Take a look for yourself at the one in the Configuration and Administration guide. Click an icon to go to that section of the docs.
Adventures in Doc Writing: Come Check Out What We’ve Been Up To