Background Processing for ALV Reports

Background Processing for ALV Reports Applies to

All SAP versions which support ALVs


This technique allows the user to process ALV reports in background and then display the results in foreground

Author(s):    Kris Donald

Company:    L&T Infotech

Created on: 14 March 2013

Author Bio

Kris Donald is an SAP technical consultant working for L&T Infotech, Mumbai, India. He has worked in SAP since September 2006 and his experience spans various technologies primarily ABAP


ALV reports are usually run in foreground. When the data selection and processing is large, this can lead to time outs. Execution in background does not allow further processing of the ALV output such as hotspots / custom buttons etc.


When the report is run in background mode, store the results into a database table (such as INDX) which can be retrieved later.

Base Report

First, create an ALV report (eg: ZTEST_MAIN) which displays the ALV using the standard function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY or class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.

A usual ALV report would have three sections

  1. Fetching the data / processing it
  2. Displaying the ALV
  3. Handling user interaction

Here, we will use a simple report which fetches material data from table MARA and displays it

It would look something like this.

*& Report  ZTEST_MAIN
*& Author  : Kris Donald
*& Date    : 14-03-2013
*& Purpose : Test program for ALV processing

report  ztest_main.

  data: gv_repid like sy-repid value ‘ZTEST_MAIN’.
constants: c_x type xfeld value ‘X’.

selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title f1.
parameters: p_count type i default ‘200’.   Number of rows to select
parameters: p_msg type c length 100 lower case
               default ‘Test message from screen’.    Message
screen end of block b1.

f1 =


data: it_mara type table of mara.
data: wa_mara like line of it_mara.

* get the data
perform f_getdata.

* ALV display
perform f_output.

*&      Form  f_getdata
*  Get the data either by db selection
form f_getdata.

* data selection
select * from mara into table it_mara up to p_count rows.

* data processing
loop at it_mara into wa_mara.
wa_mara-aenam = sy-uname.
modify it_mara from wa_mara.

* adding an artificial wait to simulate further complex processing
wait up to 3 seconds.

endform.                    “f_getdata

*&      Form  f_output
*   Display the output in the ALV
form f_output.

* display the ALV grid when we are in foreground mode
call function ‘REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY’
i_callback_program                = gv_repid
i_callback_pf_status_set          = ‘F_PF_STATUS’
i_callback_user_command           =
i_structure_name                  =
t_outtab                          = it_mara
program_error                     =
others                            = 2
if sy-subrc ne 0.
message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

endform.                    “f_output

*&      Form  f_pf_status
* subroutine to set the pf-status
form f_pf_status using rt_extab type slis_t_extab.

set pf-status ‘ZSALV_STANDARD’ excluding rt_extab.

endform.                    “f_pf_status

*&      Form  F_USER_COMMAND
* contains processing when buttons are clicked
*      –>R_UCOMM      – User command
*      –>RS_SELFIELD  – Details of what is selected
form f_user_command using r_ucomm like sy-ucomm
type slis_selfield.

case r_ucomm.

when ‘MYFUNCTION’ show the parameter from the screen
message p_msg type ‘I’.

endcase. ” r_ucomm

endform.                    “f_user_command

GUI Status

Copy the GUI_STATUS SALV_STANDARD from program SALV_DEMO_HIERSEQ_EVENTS into your report or create any GUI status which has a custom button and assign function code MYFUNCTION to that button.

Call the GUI status in your report by using the appropriate logic.

Note: This step is not mandatory, but it will demonstrate the fact that we can use the values in the original selection screen when we finally display the ALV



Selection Screen Button

Create a button on the selection screen as described below which will allow the user to check and display the output of the background job.

1. Global declaration

tables sscrfields.

type-pools: slis,icon.

data: wa_functxt type smp_dyntxt.

2. Selection screen declaration

selection-screen function key 1.  “Will have a function code of ‘FC01’

3. Initialization code to populate the new button


* initialize display from memory button
wa_functxt-icon_id   = icon_background_job.
wa_functxt-quickinfo = ‘Execute report from stored job’.
wa_functxt-icon_text = ‘Disp. stored job’.
sscrfields-functxt_01 = wa_functxt.

4. Call a new report on click of the button

at selection-screen.

* Handle user commands on the selection screen
case sscrfields-ucomm.
when ‘FC01’.
submit ztest_stored via selection-screen and return.
when others.

We will come back to the contents of report ZTEST_STORED later.

The Toolbar will now look like this


Modifications in the Base Report

1. Selection Screen

We will add two hidden fields to the selection screen.

  1. P_IMPORT – When this is set, it indicates that the program was called from ZTEST_STORED and should import the data directly from the INDX table instead of the original selection / processing logic
  2. P_KPDATA – When this is set, it indicates that the program should not delete the INDX table data, keeping it for later use.
* parameter will be set when the program is called from another program
parameter: p_import type xflag no-display.

* parameter indicates that indx data should be kept for later
parameter: p_kpdata type xflag no-display. ” do not delete cluster

2. Reading the data

If the flag P_IMPORT is set, then we will read the data from the INDX table directly, else we will run the pre-existing logic.

A global constant is also declared which is used in generating the memory id for the import.

constants: gc_id type c length 8 value ‘Z123TEST’.

The format used for generating the key is . This can be modified as per your requirement and convenience.

The F_GETDATA subroutine will now look like this.

*&      Form  f_getdata
*  Get the data either by db selection, or fetching from INDX
form f_getdata.

data: lv_memid type indx-srtfd.

if p_import eq c_x.

*   import main table
concatenate gc_id ’01’ sy-uname into lv_memid.
import tab = it_mara
from database indx(xy) to wa_indx
client sy-mandt id lv_memid.

if sy-subrc eq 0 and p_kpdata eq space.
*     deletes the data to save wastage of memory
delete from database indx(xy)
client sy-mandt id lv_memid.


*   data selection
select * from mara into table it_mara up to p_count rows.

*   data processing
loop at it_mara into wa_mara.
wa_mara-aenam = sy-uname.
modify it_mara from wa_mara.

*   adding an artificial wait to simulate further complex processing
wait up to 3 seconds.

endif. ” p_import

endform.                    “f_getdata


3.  Displaying the ALV

Here, we can check the system variable SY-BATCH.

If we are in the foreground mode, then this variable will not be set and we can display the ALV as usual.

In background mode, this variable will be set. We then export the current table as well as the selection screen to memory.

Note that several programs rely on the data in the selection screen for further processing. This is the reason for exporting the selection screen as well.

For each internal table which we need to export, we can do so incrementing the counter when we populate the memory id field.

The F_OUTPUT subroutine will now look like this

*&      Form  f_output
*   Either display the output in the ALV or store it
form f_output.

if sy-batch eq c_x.
*   when we process the report in background mode, then do not dislay the alv
*    instead, export the data to INDX

data: lv_memid type indx-srtfd.

*   get the current parameters
data: li_selectionscreen type table of rsparams.

curr_report           = gv_repid
*       SP                    =
selection_table       =  li_selectionscreen
not_found             =
no_report             =
others                = 3
if sy-subrc ne 0.
message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

*   export main data
concatenate gc_id ’01’ sy-uname into lv_memid.
*   delete old data
delete from database indx(xy)
client sy-mandt id lv_memid.
*   export new data
export tab = it_mara
to database indx(xy) from wa_indx
client sy-mandt id lv_memid.

*   export li_selectionscreen
concatenate gc_id ’02’ sy-uname into lv_memid.
*   delete old data
delete from database indx(xy)
client sy-mandt id lv_memid.
*   export new data
export tab = li_selectionscreen
to database indx(xy) from wa_indx
client sy-mandt id lv_memid.

message ‘Data exported to memory’ type ‘S’.


*   display the ALV grid when we are in foreground mode
call function ‘REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY’
i_callback_program                = gv_repid
i_callback_pf_status_set          =
i_callback_user_command           =
i_structure_name                  =
t_outtab                          = it_mara
program_error                     =
others                            = 2
if sy-subrc ne 0.
message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

endif. ” sy-batch

endform.                    “f_output





Finally, create a new Z report which will get called when the user clicks on the ‘Disp. stored job’ button on the selection screen of the original report.

This program will check if data exists in memory for this report (for the current user) and if so, allow the user to execute the original report. Submitting the report will set the P_IMPORT flag on the original report.


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