Best Tips to Learn English for Beginners

What is the most efficient way to learn English for beginners? It depends on the level of language proficiency, your goals, and your personal preferences. We will talk today about how to master the language quickly and make learning easy.

Motivate Yourself

First, determine the classes’ purpose for learning English to be effective and bring results quickly. It can be done using the following algorithm:

Set yourself a specific goal. It must be articulated, measurable and at the same time fit within a particular time frame for achievement. For example: after three months, maintain a 15-minute conversation in English on a free topic.

Identify skills to develop. Think about what you have less developed – listening, speaking, reading, or writing – and focus on that. Or you can focus on a skill that matches your goals. So, in the case of the plan from the first point, it is better to improve speaking and listening skills.

Start With the Most Common Vocabulary

To speak English even at an elementary level, learn the most popular words and expressions, enough for everyday communication. As a rule, these are those nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and verbs that you cannot do without when talking. Come up with sentences with them over and over again and master the necessary grammatical constructions to use them competently. After that, you will quickly start conversations on the essential topics.

Repeat Words Regularly

If you memorize a long list of unfamiliar foreign words in one day, then in a month, you will not remember even a third of them. This conclusion was reached by the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus back in 1885 when he experimented with lists of meaningless syllables.

How to memorize vocabulary quickly and for a long time? Your best assistant is memory cards. An ideal card contains a word with a picture illustration on one side, transcription, translation, and usage examples on the other.

Use Custom Stickers


Another proven way to improve your English vocabulary is by sticking sticky notes with words on their represent. The best way to do this is at home. You can choose a place as an object and decorate the table with a “table” sticker, stick “cupboard” on the kitchen cabinet, and stick “dishwasher” on the dishwasher. There’re almost no restrictions: you decide which topic you need to pay attention to.

To better memorize vocabulary using custom stickers, follow these rules:

Create lists of words to study. Decide on the topic you need—household appliances, furniture, decor items, building materials, personal hygiene items, cutlery. Proceed from your interests. You can study only parts of objects: for example, in the bedroom, you can stick bed head stickers (headboard) on the bed and the door handle on the door.

Add verbs and adjectives to nouns while in context. Add to bake (bake) and to roast (bake) to the oven sticker (oven), and write wicker (wicker), padded (soft), or evident (transparent) on the chair sticker in the living room. Brilliant examples will allow you to memorize new vocabulary as easily and quickly as possible.

Let’s use custom stickers that fit the scene to assist your English learning, integrate the interesting things into your language learning, and make the boring learning life more lively and interesting.

Immerse Yourself in the Language Environment

It’s time to surround yourself with language. Do your usual activities in English and how you can integrate your daily routine to language learning (using the example of an office worker’s schedule).

Devote the morning to pumping your listening skills. Choose what you like better: BBC news, Netflix series, Youtube videos, Spotify podcasts, radio shows. Focus on materials that you can enjoy a leisurely breakfast while watching or listening to, but at the same time learn something new. You can listen to the music you like in the language or the same radio shows or podcasts on the way to work.


The most crucial thing is that you should like whatever you do in English. Look for people you are interested in talking to. Choose books that you will read in one breath. Watch the shows you can’t stop watching (but don’t overdo it). Participate in activities where you can practice the language and make interesting acquaintances. Communicate on topics that are of personal interest to you. English cannot be learned once and for all. Knowing it is a lifelong journey, this journey should be enjoyed.

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