ANN: SAP GUI for Java 7.40 rev 10 available for download
Hi all,
ANN: SAP GUI for Java 7.40 rev 10 available for download
Release 7.40 rev 10 (December 19, 2016)
Enhancements and New Features
- Support for New OS Versions:
- Fedora 25
- openSUSE 42.2
- The logic for IS_SCRIPTING_ACTIVE has been changed to be consistent with the SAP GUI for Windows.
- The method REGISTRY_GET_VALUE has returned misleading results for some parameter values.
- Grid Control:
- The implementation of the method SET_AUTOREDRAW has been missing, which has caused some inconstancies with SAP GUI for Windows.
- Using undo after special actions could result in an ABAP dump.
- Selecting rows or columns could cause a crash in certain conditions.
- Pressing a button in a cell did not work in a special case.
- TextEdit Control:
- A problem related to prodecting lines has been solved.
- Tree Control:
- The handling of clicks on an area currently showing the overlay popup for rendering text which is truncated otherwise has been corrected.
- Html Control:
- Printing the content now renders the complete content instead of only the currently visible part.
- A particular case displaying PDF in-place did not work.
- Input History:
- New input that only differs regarding capitalization from entries already existing in the history is no longer added to the history list.
- Context Menu Control:
- For keyboard handling, now mnemonics are used instead of accelerators.
- Enhanced Search:
- There have been cases, where navigating in the result list has been broken.
- Sometimes the maximum input length of the overlay field has been incorrect.
- Focus:
- Input fields with F4-help sometimes did not receive the focus when set by the ABAP application.
- In Table Control, it happend that the wrong cell has been focused after a roundtrip.
- Display of PDF based Content:
- Copying the selected text into the clipboard has not been working.
- Embedded Mode:
- Some connection issues related to running in an embedded environment like ABAP in Eclipse have been solved.
For details please refer to the manual (chapter “6.2 Release Notes and System Requirements” and “2. Installation”) of the PlatinManual and SAP note 2059424.
Please use the latest Java 8 update, because some known issues in older versions related to the Html control component have been addressed.
For migrating your landscape configuration, please refer to the SAP UI Landscape Configuration Guide.
Best regards
Rolf-Martin Wörsinger
P.S. For feedback and questions, please start a new post.
In case you want to receive a notification about availability of new versions, please refer to note 1014347 .
For reporting an issue, preferably create a support message on component BC-FES-JAV.
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