espero que les sea util.


                    T1.cardcode ‘Codigo’,

                    Convert(char(40),T1.cardname) ‘Nombre’,


                              case T0.transtype

                                        when ’13’ then ‘Factura’

                                        when ’14’ then ‘Nota Credito’

                                        when ’24’ then ‘Pagos’

                                        else ‘Otro’

                                        end ‘Tipo Trans’,

                    Ref1 ‘Referencia’,

                    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), RefDate, 103) ‘Fecha Docto’ ,

                    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), duedate, 103) ‘Vence Docto’,


                                        when (DATEDIFF(dd,refdate,current_timestamp))+1 < 31



                                        when syscred <> 0 then isnull(-syscred,0)

                                        else isnull(sysdeb,0)


                                        end “0-30 Dias”,

                              case when ((datediff(dd,refdate,current_timestamp))+1 > 30

                                        and (datediff(dd,refdate,current_timestamp))+1< 61)



                                        when syscred <> 0 then isnull(-syscred,0)

                                        else isnull(sysdeb,0)


                                        end “31 to 60 Dias”,

                              case when ((datediff(dd,refdate,current_timestamp))+1 > 60

                                        and (datediff(dd,refdate,current_timestamp))+1< 91)



                                        when syscred <> 0 then isnull(-syscred,0)

                                        else isnull(sysdeb,0)


                                        end “61 to 90 Dias”,


                                        when (DATEDIFF(dd,refdate,current_timestamp))+1 > 90



                                        when syscred= 0 then isnull(sysdeb,0)

                                        when sysdeb= 0 then isnull(-syscred,0)


                                        end “90 + Dias”

from          dbo.JDT1 T0 with(nolock)

                    INNER JOIN

                    dbo.OCRD T1  with(nolock)

                    ON T0.shortname = T1.cardcode

                    and T1.cardtype = ‘c’

where          T0.intrnmatch = ‘0’

                    and T0.BALDUEDEB != T0.BALDUECRED

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