I support the ASE Software Developer Kit (SDK) 15.7.  I’ve worked with the products for over 17 years, mostly the Windows drivers, and lots of time spent with the Open Client products. This introduction is just a very high level, simplistic listing of the products and platforms supported. I’ve written quite a lot of articles in the ISUG Technical Journal about the drivers and open client. Most of this stuff is related to programming and mostly at the beginner level.

You will see me here from time to time. I am not sure yet what the content will be about, but if you have suggestions on what you’d like to see I would like to hear from you, via the comments section.

This suite is composed of:

Open Client:


Client Library – C API to access ASE.

DB Library – Older C API to access ASE.

ESQL (cpre and cobpre – embedded SQL in cobol and c)

bcp – bulk copy utility

isql – interactive SQL to test connections, perform admin work on ASE, test SQL

perl module to access ASE (uses Client Library in between perl and ASE)

php module (client lib in between php and ASE)

python module (client lib in between python and ASE)



ODBC Driver – to Access ASE via ODBC API

OLE DB Provider – access ASE via OLE DB API (C/C++, Microsoft canned interfaces such as Linked server, SSIS)

ADO.NET Data Provider – Access ASE from .NET Framework using ADO.NET API, 2,0 .NET  and 4.0 .NET

The SDK is available on the following platforms – please note, only ODBC Drivers are available (from the Drivers) on Linux and UNIX and only on (I will verify this – the certification page will indicate the versions of OS):



HP Itanium HP-UX 11.31 and 11.23


AIX 5.3 and 6.1


Redhat EL 4, 5, SuSE SLES 10, 11


Redhat EL 4, 5, SuSE SLES 10, 11


2.9, 2.10


Solaris 10

For the ASE Drivers on Windows – support is for both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64).

SDK 15.7 in general is avialable on:

HP-UX Itanium (32 and 64-bit)

IBM AIX (32 and 64-bit)

Linux on POWER (32 and 64-bit)

Linux x86

Linux x86-64

Sun Solaris SPARC (32 and 64-bit)

Sun Solaris x64

Sun Solaris x86

Windows x64

Windows x86

The SDK is geared mostly for the developer but also third party products can use the products based on supportability.

I will write in this blog from time to time to provide information relevant to all sorts of topics related to SDK 15.7.

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