BPC 10 NW how to load master attributes/text and hierarchy load.

MY BPC have Dimension name = ACCOUNT,

BW Info object = 0GL_ACCOUNT, my gl account have compounding info object 0CHRT_ACCTS.

MY BPC dimension ACCOUNT have properties – ACCTYPE, PARENTH1 and other mandatory fields, we maintained hierarchy for gl account in bw side and bpc also.master data attributes/text and hierarchy load from BW info object

First we need to master attribute/text load. below is the transformation file.

For account type we are passing constant value as EXP if we get blank from BW.






SKIP = 0










go to Excel, Data maanger, choose transformation file–> Validate and process T/fer file

As below

BPC 10 NW Master data attributes/text and hierarchy loading process Part1

while validating transformation file, need to give below options.

Data type as Master attributes/text from NW info obj from bw., select the bw info obj and bpc dimension name.

BPC 10 NW Master data attributes/text and hierarchy loading process Part1

go to SET selection tab, you can enter chart of accounts(am giving as ABCD) in attribute, provide bw gl account hierarchy name and choose set filter by attribute or not. Below screen is entering attribute value for chart of account.

BPC 10 NW Master data attributes/text and hierarchy loading process Part1

below am provided hierarchy name(BW hier name)

BPC 10 NW Master data attributes/text and hierarchy loading process Part1

Normally default one selected is set filters by attr and hier. but when we have hierarchy to our dim, then we need to choose OR option which shown below.

BPC 10 NW Master data attributes/text and hierarchy loading process Part1

after setting above options, save , after the success of validation,

BPC 10 NW Master data attributes/text and hierarchy loading process Part1

Run DM package for master data attributes.

Click on run package on import master data attr/text infobj

BPC 10 NW Master data attributes/text and hierarchy loading process Part1

with selection of info object and dim.after the successful of attr/text load need to run hierarchy load.

See the part1

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