Building Axis Framework Package
The axis adapter is available from XI 3.0 SP20, XI 7.00 SP12, XI 7.01 SP0, XI 7.02 SP0, XI 7.10 SP3, XI 7.11 SP0, XI 730 SP0, XI 731 SP1 and XI 740 SP4 releases. However, the standard SAP XI deployment archives do not contain the necessary Apache jar files. These jar files must be packaged in archive aii_af_axisprovider.sda
(for 7.0x release) or
(for 7.10 and upper releases) and deployed on the system to enable the Axis adapter.
NOTE: The Axis Adapter package deployment will restart Java instance.
Caution: The Axis adapter package is part of SAP-XI3RDPARTY component. During stack upgrade this component will not be upgraded by SUM tool though included in the stack file and has to be upgraded manually depending on customer requirements. SAP does not upgrade since customer have customizing java developments also as part of this adapter package.
How to prepare Axis Adapter Package:
There is a note describing how to prepare this archive (Note 1028961). In order to facilitate the creation of axisproviderlib.sda a special tool available in SAP Note 1028961.
Download the sdaMakerTool.jar from SAP Note 1028961.
The following components are basis for the Axis Framework and are mandatory to present:
- Apache-Axis
- Jakarta-Commons Discovery
- Jakarta-Commons Logging
The other components are optional based on the scenarios will be developed.
- XML Security API
- Apache Xalan
- Jakarta-Commons Codec
- Jakarta-Commons Net
- Jakarta-Commons HttpClient
- Apache WSS4J
- Apache Addressing
- Apache Sandesha
All these components have to be downloaded from respective vendor URL and here is the list. Most of the components from same vendor are archived together.
Component |
Download Path |
axis-1.4.jar |
commons-discovery |
commons-logging |
xmlsec |
xalan |
commons-codec |
commons-net |
commons-httpclient |
wss4j |
addressing | |
Sandesha |
wsdl4j |
The components mentioned below though not listed in MessageServlet page are mandatory for successful message transfer using Axis Adapter.
- Apache wsdl4j
- Apache Log4j
Download the components from respective vendor URLs and place only the jar file in a folder. Open the sdaMakerTool.jar.
- Select the NetWeaver version.
- Select SDA name
- aii_af_axisprovider.sda for Axis Adapter for version 7.0
- aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda for JDBCJMS Adapter for version 7.0
- for Axis Adapter for version 7.10 and higher
- for JDBCJMS Adapter for version 7.10 and higher
- Select checkbox “Don’t use SAP XI 3RD PARTY SCA”
- Browse the location where Axis framework JAR files are stored. Once selected all jar files that will be included in the package will be listed. Verify if all mandatory and required component files are present.
- Browse the location where SDA file will be created , the folder must be empty.
- Click on “Start” button and the SDA file will be created
Backup existing component file:
Backup the current component files at the OS level before deploying the SDA package created.
Component files will be located in /usr/sap//DVEBMGS/j2ee/cluster/bin/ext/
Deploy Axis Adapted Package:
We are deploying the SDA file created using TELNET. Telnet to the server on which the package to be deployed and login using j2ee_admin user.
Execute DEPLOY command to deploy the SDA file.
DEPLOY </location/>
The SDA deploy will restart java instance.
Check points after deployment:
Once the java instance is started, check the deployment status using command “get_result” from TELNET.
Check the Axis application is started with new components after deployment. Navigate to NetWeaver Administrator –> Operations –> Systems –> Start & Stop –> Java Applications.
Verify the status of and applications. It must be in Started status.
Check if the Axis adapter was successfully deployed by opening the URL
https://host:port/XIAxisAdapter/MessageServlet, where host and port are the host name and port number of the adapter engine.
The page will display the versions of the deployed components and whether the required libraries are also deployed. For a simple SOAP scenario, it is necessary to have only the required components deployed. For more specific scenarios, e.g., WS-Security, WS-ReliableMessaging, it is also necessary to have the relevant optional components deployed. The page should show status OK when all the required components are available and otherwise status Error.
Reference :
SAP Note 1028961 – How to prepare axisproviderlib.sda for Adapter Framework
SAP Note 1039369 FAQ XI Axis Adapter
SAP Note 1770206 – PI: How to extract the archive for deploying 3rd party drivers
SAP Note 1401570 – PI Upgrade: SAP-XI3RDPARTY SC Version not updated
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