Cannot use duplicate index name: esh:ftx…… during creating or deleting index
When creating search connectors for software components using task list SAP_ESH_INITIAL_SETUP_WRK_CLIENT or Connector Administration Cockpit, it terminates with error below (one example, the errors can also be shown in transaction SM21):
Could not create fulltext index on HDB table SAPABAP1.CSLT for attribute KTEXT
HANA call terminated with HANA engine error. Error code: 289
cannot use duplicate index name: esh:ftx~sapabap1~cslt~ktext~001: line 1 col 23(at pos 22)
As mentioned in note 2330047 – Creation/deletion of ESH full-text indexes in parallel processes – missing lock, two processes can in parallel try to build the same full-text index at the same time which results in a termination situation.
Valid to support package of SAP_BASIS: 750 – SAPK-75004INSAPBASIS
Implement the correction of note 2330047 and all its prerequisites.
Hope the knowledge sharing can help you fix the same kind of problem you face.
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