There are many options to change the images in SAP Netweaver Portal Logon page. One such option is to Upload the images in KM Content and in UME Configuration add its URL.

This document is using screenshots and images from SAP Netweaver Portal 7.31 but this will also work for older and newer versions of the portal


  1. Design branding-image.jpg and branding-text.gif
  2. Upload the images in KM Content
  3. Set the Permissions for the images in KM Content
  4. Create KM Document iViews (KM image iViews) for the images uploaded
  5. Change the Properties and Permissions of the KM image iViews
  6. Change the Property ‘AuthScheme’ of KM Document iView from the ‘Standard User Role’
  7. Add the URL of KM image iViews in the UME Configuration Key ume.logon.branding_image and ume.logon.branding_text

Design branding-image.jpg and branding-text.gif

Step 1: Design branding-image.jpg and branding-text.gif which displays your company Identity and save it in your desktop. The Dimensions of the images can vary according to the portal versions. Here we have S_branding-image.jpg and S_branding-text_DEV.gif

Upload the images in KM Content

Step 2: Navigate to Content Administration –> KM Content.

Step 3: Click on Public Documents (You can upload it in other folders as well).

Step 4: From the Folder menu select New –> Folder.

Step 5: Give the Folder Name(Custom Theme) and then Save.

Step 6: Navigate inside the folder by clicking on the Folder.

Step 7: From the Folder menu select New –> Upload.

Step 8: Give the Name for the First image, then Browse the image S_branding-image.jpg from your desktop and click on Upload.

Step 9: Give the Name for the Second image, then Browse the image S_branding-text_DEV.gif from your desktop and click on Upload.

Set the Permissions for the images in KM Content

Step 10: Open the context menu for the Image S_branding-text_DEV.gif and click on Details.

Step 11: From the Menu ‘Settings’ Select Permissions.

Step 12: Click on Select Button from the bottom of the Window for selecting Groups

Step 13: Search for ‘Anonymous Users’ group, add it to the ‘Current Selection’ and then click OK.

Step 14: Click on Add button.

Step 15: Now Save the changes by clicking on Save Permissions.

Step 16: From the Menu ‘Settings’ Select Properties.

Step 17: On the next screen Click on Access Links Tab and Copy the Target URL of this image for adding it in KM Document iView.

Step 18: Repeat Step 10 to Step 17 for S_branding-image.jpg. Now we  will be having Two Target URL’s which will be used in the following steps.

Create KM Document iViews for the images uploaded

Step 19: Navigate to Content Administration –> Portal Content Management –> then To your Custom Folder and create a new iView from Template

Step 20: Select KM Document iView and click next.

Step 21: Now Give the iView name for the image S_branding-text_DEV.gif and click on Next

Step 22: Click on Finish Button.

Step 23: On the next screen select ‘Open the object for editing’ and click Ok.

Change the Properties and Permissions of the KM image iViews

Step 24: In the properties tab Click on All and then set the AuthScheme to anonymous. Save the changes.

Step 25: From the ‘Show Category’ Select ‘Component Profile’.

Step 26: In the Property ‘Path to Document’ add the Target URL saved in Step 17. Save the Changes.

Step 27: Now select the Permissions tab for the IView, Search ‘Anonymous Users’ Group and Add it to Assigned Permissions. Set Full Control with End User Ticked.

Step 28: Search ‘Guest’ Role and Add it to Assigned Permissions. Set Full Control with End User Ticked and save the changes.

Step 29: Preview this iView and Note the URL

Step 30: Repeat Step 19 to Step 29 for the image S_branding-image.jpg. Preview this iView and Note the URL. Note: In step 26 add the Target URL obtained for S_branding-image.jpg.

Now you will be having URL something like





Change the Property ‘AuthScheme’ of KM Document iView from the ‘Standard User Role’

Step 31: Navigate to Portal Content –> Content Provided by SAP –> End User Content –> Standard Portal Users –> Open the ‘Standard User Role’

Step 32: In the Role Content Navigate to Standard User Role –> 3rd Workset ‘Home’ –> Hidden –> URL Access –> Select KM Document iView and click on Open to view the properties.

Step 33: In the Properties tab Click on All and then set the AuthScheme to anonymous. Save the changes.

Add the URL of KM image iViews in the UME Configuration Key ume.logon.branding_image and ume.logon.branding_text

Step 34: Navigate to System Administration –> System Configuration –> UME Configuration and Click on Open Expert Mode

Step 35: modify the value for Key ume.logon.branding_image and ume.logon.branding_text by adding the URL we got from Step 29 and 30 and save these entries

Step 36: Logout and View your Changed images in the Logon Page.

Note: Since we are giving the URL link with Host Name in UME properties, the images wont get displayed if you access the portal using Host IP.

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