Commonly Used Terms in Dynamic Tiering
The following provides a list of commonly used terms you encounter as you use the SAP HANA dynamic tiering option and read its documentation.
Term | Description |
Cold data | Data stored on-disk. |
Column store | Contains in-memory HANA tables. |
Column-store table | A type of HANA table. Resides in the column store. |
Dbspace | A logical name for a container of files or raw partitions within extended storage. |
Default store | Is the HANA column store. |
Delta | For dynamic tiering, refers to row-level versioning. |
DELTA MERGE | Transforms delta storage data into a format optimized for read performance and memory consumption, and transfers it to main storage. |
Delta store | For dynamic tiering, write-optimized, in-memory store that works with the extended store. Delta stores use row-level versioning to allow concurrent table changes by multiple users without transaction lock waits. |
Extended storage | Contains on-disk dynamic tiering extended tables. |
esserver | The name of the dynamic tiering service. |
Extended table | A type of dynamic tiering table. Resides in extended storage. |
hdbesserver | The executable for esserver. |
Hot store | The SAP HANA in-memory store. |
IMPORT | Import catalog objects (tables, views, synonyms, sequences, procedures) that have previously been exported from dynamic tiering. |
IMPORT FROM | Import external data from a CSV file into an existing extended store table. |
Main storage | The part of the column store that contains the main part of the data, compressed and optimized for read access. |
Row-level versioning (RLV) | Allows more than one user to modify the same table concurrently. |
Warm store | Extended storage. |
For general concepts as they relate to dynamic tiering, a good place to start is the Master Guide, available through our SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering Help Portal page.
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