Configuration Of SLD : Creation of Technical And Bussiness System
Applies to: SAP Net Weaver Process Integration 7.xx with SLD configuration.
Summary: This document will provide you with the overview of SLD (System Landscape Directory) and provide with detailed steps for creation of Technical and Business systems of SAP Net Weaver Process Integration 7.xx (SAP NW PI 7.xx) irrespective of any O.S. Level and database.
System Landscape Directory:
System Landscape Directory is just like the directory of a phone book which keeps information of every Product installed or used by the landscape, their respective software components, the technical details of the system in the form of technical system and business systems to hide the technical details of the technical systems.
It also contains information of the Landscape description and name reservation which are based on the Common Information Model. SLD communicates with its client application using HTTP.
Steps1: First of all login into PI ABAP Stack and execute T-code SXMB_IFR and the below screen will appear
Step2: After that click on the System Landscape thumbnail and below screen will appear.
Technical System
Steps to create Technical System:
In the below given screenshot Technical System “T03” is not available in the SLD.
Step 1: Now open the ABAP stack of the corresponding Technical System and run the data collector program “RZ70” Below is the screen shot
Step 2: Now update the HOST and Service gateway of the corresponding system.
Step 3: After that click on the execute button, select yes in the pop if it comes.
Step 4: After that again go to SLD and open Technical System, in that you can find your corresponding Technical system (In our case T03).
Business System
Step 1: Go to SLD and select Business Systems, now we can see that there is no business system starting with T03.
Step 2: Click on the New Business System tab, Business System wizards opens.
Step 3: Business System Wizard.
Step 4: In the Business System wizard select the System Type as “AS ABAP” as we are going to make as abap type business system.
Step 5: Now select the technical system for which we need to create the business system in our case it is T03 on dbt0327.
Step 6: Now select the name of the business system as “T03110” and click next.
Step 7: Select the installed software and click next.
Step 8: Select the Business System Role as Application Server and the corresponding Integration Server.
Step 9: After that click next and a new business system “T03110” is created to be used in PI or Portal.
Importing Business System in SAP PI.
Step 1: Open ID (Integration Directory), select Business System, right click and open assign business system wizard.
Step 2: Assign Business System wizard is opened, now click on continue.
Step 3: Assign Partner if you are using party, if not simply click on next.
Step 4: Select Business Systems “T03110” from the available list.
Note: Once the business system has been selected from the below list it is not available for further selection.
Step 5: After selecting business system click on finish and your business system has been imported to PI system.
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