Connect Excel with SAP Business ByDesign using OData for Analytics
Connect Excel with SAP Business ByDesign using OData: Using Microsoft Excel and SAP Business ByDesign OData for Analytics you can download analytical data from ByDesign systems and use the data for offline analysis in Excel.
This blog post describes how to connect to ByD systems using ByD OData for Analytics and native Excel capabilities as well as Microsoft PowerPivot.
Further information about ByD OData for Analytics:
OData for SAP Business ByDesign Analytics
Beyond the possibility to connect Excel with ByD as described in this blog post, ByDesign offers various possibilities to work with Excel incl.
- open ByD reports in Excel using the ByD Add-in for MS Excel,
- download ByD reports in Excel xml format,
- download ByD reports and its underlying data sources in csv format,
- and Excel Workbooks using the ByD Add-in for MS Excel
Furthermore ByD offers a URL schema to launch ByD reports as Excel Workbooks.
Steps to use ByD OData for Analytics as Data Source in Excel PowerPivot
Microsoft PowerPivot (PowerQuery) is a tools that can be used to join query results and other data.
Further information:
Introduction to Microsoft Power Query for Excel – Excel
- Create a data source in Excel using POWERPIVOT >> Manage
- On the PowerPivot popup select: Get External Data >> From Data Service >> From OData Data Feed:
- On the Import Wizard enter the „Data Feed Url“:
Note:- The wizard does not process the OData service file, but the data feed
- For large data sources use ByD OData parameter to select and filter ByD data. For example:$top=…&$select=…&$filter=…
For more details with regards to ByD OData access to high volume data sources, please check
SCN blog OData for SAP Business ByDesign Analytics, section “High Volume Data Sources“.
- Use buttom Advanced to enter the ByD credentials:
- Test the connection to ByD using buttom „Test Connection“
- Press buttom Next and select the Source Table:
- Use buttom Finish to extract the data from ByD … done:
Now you can display and work with ByD data in PowerPivot:
Steps to use ByD OData for Analytics as Data Source in Excel
- Create a data source in Excel using DATA >> From Other Sources >> From OData Data Feed:
- On the Data Connection Wizard enter the OData data feed URL and the ByD logon credentials:
Example OData URL:
Note:- The wizard does not process the OData service file, but the data feed
- For large data sources use ByD OData parameter to select and filter ByD data. For example:$top=…&$select=…&$filter=…
For more details with regards to ByD OData access to high volume data sources, please check
SCN blog OData for SAP Business ByDesign Analytics, section “High Volume Data Sources“.
- Press buttom Next and select the Source Table
- Press buttom Next and enter a data connection name, etc.
- Press buttom Finish
- Import the data … done:
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