Controlling User Authorizations for Accessing Files in the Attachments Folder
Controlling User Authorizations for Accessing Files: When attaching files to various documents in SAP Business One or when sending documents by mail, the files are uploaded to the Attachments folder defined in: Administration > System Initialization > General Settings > Path tab.
Due to security reasons you may want to permit certain users to access certain files and prevent them accessing other files.
Controlling the user authorization to access the attached files can be achieved by creating sub folders under the Attachments folder and granting the different users authorizations to specific sub folder/s only.
You can determine for each user a default path by determining the path in the User Defaults (under: Administration > Setup > General > User Defaults) and assigning the user defaults set to the given user in Users – Setup window (under: Administration > Setup > General > Users).
When sending document by mail, the document is automatically uploaded to the sub folder assigned to the user.
When attaching the file manually, it is uploaded into the folder defined in default path for the user, and the user can change it into any other sub folder for which the user was granted permission.
The selected path is taken into the field Target Path in the Attachment Tab Page.
When opening the browse button in the Attachment Tab Page, user can view only sub folders for which he was granted permission.
Opening an attached file is possible only when the user is authorized to the folder of the file.
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