Creation of Service-PO using BAPI_PO_CREATE1
About the post:
Hi everyone,
This post provides a detailed explanation of Service PO creation. Also, can able to understand the below bulletin points:
- The tables that refer to the service line logic.
- Passing the fields (needed for service-PO creation) to the BAPI_PO_CREATE1.
Check the entries in ESLL, and ESKL (see attached images with the boxes indicated). Observe how the values are stored.
- ESLL – Lines of Service Package table
In the above table, we can see that:
- There are two service lines. A service line belongs to two rows in the ESLL table.
- For each service line, there are two rows created. The first row is a dummy but we need to pass values to few fields such as packno, introw, package and sub_packno.
- The second row is the real service line which we are able to see it PO screen. In other words, we need to map the fields according to our requirement in the second row of each line item.
- ESKL – Account Assignment Service Line table
In the above table, we can see that:
- There are two service lines. Each row belongs to a service line in the ESKL table.
- The service lines (refer to field Introw- 2, 4) are stored in this table.
Coding that I implemented for Service-PO creation:
Variables ----------------------------------------------------------- DATA: lv_dummy TYPE packno, lv_pkgno TYPE packno, lv_item_pno TYPE packno, lv_pckg_no TYPE char10, lv_pckg_no1 TYPE char10, lv_subpckg_no TYPE char10, lv_line_no TYPE char2, lv_line_no1 TYPE char2. Internal Tables ----------------------------------------------------------- DATA: lt_poitem TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem, lt_poitemx TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx, lt_poaccount TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoaccount, lt_poaccountx TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoaccountx, lt_poservices TYPE TABLE OF bapiesllc, lt_poservices TYPE TABLE OF bapiesllc, lt_posrvaccessvalues TYPE TABLE OF bapiesklc, gt_po TYPE TABLE OF {structure we maintain}. Work Area ----------------------------------------------------------- DATA: ls_poitem TYPE bapimepoitem, ls_poitemx TYPE bapimepoitemx, ls_poaccount TYPE bapimepoaccount, ls_poaccountx TYPE bapimepoaccountx, ls_poservices TYPE bapiesllc, ls_poservices TYPE bapiesllc, ls_posrvaccessvalues TYPE bapiesklc. Logic ----------------------------------------------------------- CLEAR: lv_pkgno. lv_dummy = lc_1. " maintaining Line number at service level *_ Item level details starts LOOP AT gt_po INTO DATA(ls_po) WHERE ebeln = -ebeln. "#EC CI_NESTED *_ POITEM & POITEMX --------------------- ls_poitem-item_cat = ls_po-pstyp. " Item category in purchasing document IF ls_po-pstyp IS NOT INITIAL. lv_pkgno = lv_dummy. ls_poitem-pckg_no = lv_pkgno. " for mapping in poservice table, moving 'pckg no'(@item level) to lv_item_pno lv_item_pno = ls_poitem-pckg_no. lv_dummy = lv_item_pno + 2. " additional fields to be passed ls_poitem-period_ind_expiration_date = lc_d. " Period Ind Exp Date ls_poitemx-item_cat = lc_x. " Item category in purchasing document ls_poitemx-pckg_no = lc_x. ENDIF. IF ls_po-knttp = 'K' AND ls_po-pstyp EQ 'D'. LOOP AT lt_poitem TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE po_item = ls_po-ebelp AND pckg_no = lv_item_pno. *_ POSERVICES --------------- ls_poservices-pckg_no = ls_poservices-line_no = lv_item_pno. lv_pckg_no = ls_poservices-pckg_no. lv_line_no = lv_item_pno+8(2). ls_poservices-outl_ind = lc_x. ls_poservices-subpckg_no = lv_item_pno + 1. lv_subpckg_no = ls_poservices-subpckg_no. APPEND ls_poservices TO lt_poservices. ls_poservices-pckg_no = ls_poservices-pckg_no + 1. lv_pckg_no1 = ls_poservices-pckg_no. ls_poservices-line_no = lv_pckg_no1. lv_line_no1 = ls_poservices-line_no+8(2). ls_poservices-ext_line = lc_1000(2). ls_poservices-outl_ind = space. ls_poservices-subpckg_no = space. " ls_poservices-pckg_no. ls_poservices-service = ls_po-matnr. ls_poservices-short_text = ls_po-txz01. ls_poservices-quantity = ls_po-menge. ls_poservices-base_uom = ls_po-lmein. ls_poservices-gr_price = ls_po-netpr. ls_poservices-net_value = ls_po-netpr. ls_poservices-matl_group = ls_po-wgbez. APPEND ls_poservices TO lt_poservices. CLEAR: ls_poservices. *_ POSRVACCESSVALUES ----------------------- ls_posrvaccessvalues-pckg_no = lv_pckg_no1. ls_posrvaccessvalues-line_no = lv_pckg_no1. ls_posrvaccessvalues-serno_line = lv_item_pno+8(2). ls_posrvaccessvalues-percentage = '100'. ls_posrvaccessvalues-serial_no = lv_item_pno+8(2). ls_posrvaccessvalues-quantity = ls_po-menge. ls_posrvaccessvalues-net_value = ls_po-netpr. APPEND ls_posrvaccessvalues TO lt_posrvaccessvalues. CLEAR: ls_posrvaccessvalues. " Mapping the account assignment fields at service level. LOOP AT lt_poservices TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE pckg_no = lv_pckg_no1 AND line_no = lv_line_no1. " Account Assignment at service level ls_poaccount-po_item = ls_po-ebelp. " Item number ls_poaccountx-po_item = ls_po-ebelp. " Item number ls_poaccountx-po_itemx = lc_x. " Item number ls_poaccount-serial_no = lv_line_no. ls_poaccountx-serial_no = lv_line_no. ls_poaccountx-serial_nox = lc_x. PERFORM f_conv_poaccount USING ls_po CHANGING ls_poaccount. IF ls_poaccount-gl_account IS NOT INITIAL. " G/L Account Number ls_poaccountx-gl_account = lc_x. ENDIF. IF ls_poaccount-costcenter IS NOT INITIAL. " Cost Center ls_poaccountx-costcenter = lc_x. ENDIF. IF ls_poaccount-orderid IS NOT INITIAL. " Order Number ls_poaccountx-orderid = lc_x. ENDIF. IF ls_poaccount-profit_ctr IS NOT INITIAL. " Profit Center ls_poaccountx-profit_ctr = lc_x. ENDIF. IF ls_poaccount-wbs_element IS NOT INITIAL. " wbs element ls_poaccountx-wbs_element = lc_x. ENDIF. ls_poaccount-co_area = lc_1000. " Control Area ls_poaccountx-co_area = lc_x. IF ls_poaccount-net_value IS NOT INITIAL. " Net Price ls_poaccount-net_value = ls_po-netpr. ls_poaccountx-net_value = lc_x. ENDIF. IF ls_poaccount-quantity IS NOT INITIAL. " Qty ls_poaccount-quantity = ls_po-menge. ls_poaccountx-quantity = lc_x. ENDIF. *_ Distribution percentage has to be passed value like below ls_poaccount-distr_perc = '1.0'. ls_poaccountx-distr_perc = lc_x. APPEND ls_poaccount TO lt_poaccount. APPEND ls_poaccountx TO lt_poaccountx. CLEAR: ls_poaccount, ls_poaccountx. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. *_ Item level details ends CLEAR: lv_ponum. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1' EXPORTING testrun = lv_testrun IMPORTING exppurchaseorder = lv_ponum TABLES poitem = lt_poitem poitemx = lt_poitemx poaccount = lt_poaccount poaccountx = lt_poaccountx poservices = lt_poservices posrvaccessvalues = lt_posrvaccessvalues.
I appreciate your comments for the betterment of this post. Please notify me if any of the lines need to be updated or requires additional explanatory.
Thank you, everyone in advance, for your support and co-operation.
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