Default Notification Header Text


Various posts over the years have expressed similar requirements: Loosely quoted they read:

How can I default a (standard) text into the notification header text? I want my end users to be prompted to complete a set of questions”

The following document provides sufficient detail for this requirement to be achieved.

Realization Approach

Many posts have suggested the use of standard texts and the SAP supplied enhancement QQMA0025PM/SM Default values when adding a notification. The solution outlined in this document utilizes standard texts and the SAP supplied enhancement.

Standard Text

It is assumed that the text to be defaulted into the notification header text is defined as a standard text. Standard texts are maintained with the transaction SO10 in an SAP ECC system and can be read with the function READ_TEXT.

SAP Enhancement QQMA0025

The SAP enhancement is designed to allow the setting of default values in the notification, and dependent objects like activities, items and tasks. The interface provides the notification header, notification type configuration and the notification dependent objects.

Solution 1: Default Standard Text in the notification long text

Step 1: Read the standard text

the standard text can be read with the function module READ_TEXT; In this case reading a text with the name ZPMWOCMN_01.

 CALL FUNCTION 'READ_TEXT'      EXPORTING        ID                      = 'ST'        LANGUAGE                = SY-LANGU        NAME                    = 'ZPMWOCMN_01'        OBJECT                  = 'TEXT'      TABLES        LINES                   = LT_LINES_STD      EXCEPTIONS        ID                                =  1     LANGUAGE                = 2        NAME                          = 3        NOT_FOUND              = 4        OBJECT                       = 5        REFERENCE_CHECK         = 6        WRONG_ACCESS_TO_ARCHIVE = 7        OTHERS                  = 8. 

Step 2: Initiate the notification long text processing

 CALL FUNCTION 'INIT_TEXT'      EXPORTING        ID       = 'LTXT'        LANGUAGE = I_VIQMEL-KZMLA        NAME     = wa_notification_text_name        OBJECT   = 'QMEL'      IMPORTING        HEADER   = WA_HEADER      TABLES        LINES    = LT_LINES_NOT      EXCEPTIONS        ID       = 1        LANGUAGE = 2        NAME     = 3        OBJECT   = 4 OTHERS   = 5 

Step 3: Merge the standard text lines with the notification lines and save

 APPEND LINES OF LT_LINES_STD TO LT_LINES_NOT.    CALL FUNCTION 'SAVE_TEXT'      EXPORTING        HEADER   = WA_HEADER      TABLES        LINES    = LT_LINES_NOT      EXCEPTIONS        ID       = 1        LANGUAGE = 2        NAME     = 3        OBJECT   = 4 OTHERS   = 5. 

Step 4: Update indicator in header that long text exists



Solution 2: Default Standard Text in the notification long text and branch to long text editor

similar to above, except after Step 1, the following steps:

Step 2: Merge standard text text and count lines


Step 3: Call long text editor

 CALL FUNCTION 'LANGTEXT_ONLY'      EXPORTING        OBJECT                = 'QMEL'        OBJECT_NR             = wa_notification_text_name        SPRAS                 = SY-LANGU        TXTID                 = 'TEXT'        X_XAKTYP              = 'H' "Creation mode        SAVE_MODE             = 'X'        TEXT_HISTORY          = I_TQ80-QMLTXT01        TEXT_PROPERTY         = I_TQ80-QMLTXT02        COUNT_INLINE          = L_CNT_LINES        IV_SUPPRESS_END_SPACE = SPACE                     TABLES        T_INLINES             = LT_LINES_NOT. 

Hints and Tips

You can review the subroutine TEXT_ANLEGEN_F50 in the function group IQS0 or the function module IQS0_ADD_NOTIFICATION_LONGTEXT for more details of notification text processing. There you will see how to protect lines of text and to create history lines.


The SAP enhancement isn’t ideally suited to the generation of long text, because the interface does not allow the maintenance of the indicator (   WVIQMELINDTXTUPD ) used in the function group IQS0 to indicate text processing changes. Without the user processing the long text, the defaulted long text will not be saved.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a possibility using configuration?

In short – no. There is no possibility using configuration.

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