
If we added any wrong standard/Custom Business Object to the iView Object-Based Navigation, for some reasons there is no possibility to delete un-needed BO operation from the iView Object-Based Navigation. This behavior may different from system to system.


These workarounds will not work in all cases.

1. Delete and recreate iView again with required BO apparitions and remap iViews again. This case will not good option if we have more number of BOs already added and iView mapped.

2, Change the target iView from the source Business Object. This case not at all an option if we are using standard BO object. We have always a RULE should not change standard objects as we may loose backup or it may hit many other depended objects or it may overwrite in up-gradation.

Launch the PCD Inspector: (you should need to have a super_admin user for this)


Open the iView in the PCD Inspector

Click on URL icon on the top right as shown in above image.

Paste the PCD location of the iView in the bottom and click on the “Browse To” button

For EX:


You will get the below screen:

Click on the “PropEditor” link for this Page. A new window will be opened:

In the second dropdown list, search for the “” property and click on relevant operation.

“Delete” – It will delete all BO Operations form the iView.

“Edit” – Select BO Operation you want to delete.

Click on “OK” button.

Delete the folder under the iView:

Open the Page “itself” by clicking “Browse Into” link

Click on “Browse into”.

Choose the “” folder:

Click on the delete Button which is available on top most right corner.

You will get this message:

Click on “Continue” button and make sure the

“ “ folder was deleted.



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