Deletion of characteristic from COPA data structure-When data already posted in Characteristic.
The below step must be used for deleting characteristic from COPA data structure.If data is posted under characteristic value.
Deletion of characteristic from COPA data structure
1) Delete all assignment of characteristic under KECM TCODE
2)Delete characteristic value from (CE1***,CE4*** AND CE4****_ACCT) all client in same landscape using Classical debug(you can take the help from abaper)
3)Delete value from TKEOE TABLE
4)Now you can move CHARACTERISTIC from data source
5) delete characteristic from below structure OMKAKE or KOMPAKE, COPAFIELDS, COPACRIT and COPABBSEG using SE11.
6) then you can delete characteristic from KEA5
I did it and same is working fine…Thought to share with you people But its painful process .”YES” we can delete characteristic from COPA even after data is posted with above steps”
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