Background: A user is facing an issue while attempting to delete a UWL task which has been created and assigned to another employee. EP: UWL Unable to delete a completed UWL Java Workflow Task.


Overview: The task of interest has already been completed and despite this it remains displayed in the Worklist and when the user attempts to delete the task it cannot be deleted as it is not displayed in worklist upon clicking  Approve/Reject and there is no reference entry to this task in the backend



EP: UWL Unable to delete a completed UWL Java Workflow Task


Issue Backdrop: EP Release Indepedent & SAP NW


Sample Scenario:  You Log into Enterprise Portal and navigate to the Universal Worklist (UWL) by choosing the following: Approval Inbox -> Universal Worklist.In the “Tasks” tab, select the task of your interest. This task was created by “UserA” and assigned to “UserB” and has already been completed.

However when “UserB” tries to delete this task they are presented with no deletion option.

Whats the problem? The tasks which we are dealing with here are Java Workflow tasks, meaning that there is no backend system involved in the scenario for these particular items, and also we don’t have task related information at the backend. The “task” of interest is part of a Task List, which has have created through the “Create Task” uwl button.

Whats the solution?  Open table KMC_WF_WORKITEM. Here in the ASSIGNED_USER_ID column try to locate a detail reference related to this user in the traces. Highlight the work item id in the WORKITEM_ID and the OBJREF_ID column where that user is the ASSIGNED_USER_ID. The TIME_COMPLETED column for this line should be empty, as the task is due. There is a DUE_DATE column as well, which is likely passed. Delete these rows. Now open KMC_WF_WFTASK, and locate the matching OBJREF_ID, and delete the rows. Now open KM_WF_WORKFLOW and delete all lines where TIMESTAMP_TERM is empty to cancel all possible remaining tasks. If you would prefer to delete the content of the WF related tables, these are which starting with KMC_WF or KMC_WI.





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