Error 12 in tp EXPCHK ERROR: Buffer check failed
After migrating an instance to a new hardware we had to refresh the transport domain. After the transport domain was refreshed and all tests worked fine users reported the follow errors during export of their developments:
Test Call of transport control program (tp) ended with return code 0012, tp: ERROR: Buffer check Failed.
Note the error truncates the actual full text of the tp command line.
Running the command at oslevel as
C:Usersdevadm>tp EXPCHK DEVK999999 pf=\sapprdsapmnt ransinTP_DOMAIN_PRD.PFL -Dtransdir=\sapprdsapmnt rans
tp=>sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
tp=>sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
This is tp version 380.29.44 (release 721, unicode enabled)
createinfo succeeded
ERROR: Buffer check failed.
tp finished with return code: 12
A tool used by tp aborted
Cryptically this was caused by the parameter CTC=1 not being returned to the transport profile.
(On domain STMS -> Overview -> Systems -> double click on the domain controller eg PRD -> Choose tab “transport tool”)
Add the CTC parameter as a global parameter.
Redistribution is automatic when saved and then retest the tp expchk command.
C:Usersdevadm>tp EXPCHK DEVK999999 pf=\sapprdsapmnt ransinTP_DOMA
IN_PRD.PFL -Dtransdir=\sapprdsapmnt rans
tp=>sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
tp=>sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
This is tp version 380.29.44 (release 721, unicode enabled)
createinfo succeeded
Buffer check succeeded
tp finished with return code: 0
Everything OK
Q: What does CTC control ?
A: If the transport doesn’t have a client name explicitly defined then 0 will cause the transport not to import value 1 will result in the transport importing into the default client. From SAP Help
ctc=0: All requests are imported into the specified client.
ctc=1: Imports requests that do not yet have a target client in the buffer into the specified clients. Of those requests in the buffer that already have a target client, imports the requests whose target client matches the specified client.
If ctc=1, the option client is handled as if DEFAULTCLIENT and CLIRES are both specified with the same client. (Example: client=133 is handled like defaultclient=133 clires=133).
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