Escaping tough moments of SPAM or SAINT
While GRC installation, SAINT & SPAM gave me quite a hard time and this taught me couple of things related to the OCS queue and their cleaning.
Before reaching to the OCS queue cleaning, I am going to describe some of the tips which we should follow before starting work with SPAM/SAINT.
1. Import maintenance certificate for the system (if it’s already expired) either through the solution manager or get it from service market place.
2. Update the latest patch of SPAM.
3. Disable archive logs in the case of Oracle.
4. Set maximal number of parallel import processes for one transport requests.
Execute STMS_DOM and double click on the system in which SPAM/SAINT is going to be executed and add a new parameter PARALLEL, its value will decide how many maximal number of parallel import processes for one transport requests will be allowed in a system. For detail please refer SAP Note 1127194 – R3trans import with parallel processes
5. Tweak the setting for parallel Import through SPAM/SAINT
Goto SAINT -> Extras -> Settings
On the tab “Import Queue” put the values for Parallel Import, I generally keep the value for ‘Max. Number of Parallel R3trans Processes’ equals to total number of CPU on the server. SAP suggest to keep it 4 as initial value. For detail please refer SAP Note 1309506 – SPAM/SAINT with parallel R3trans
To save time, keep the value ‘Never’ for ABAP/Screen Generation.
OK, lets move to the issues part.
1. Whenever any error comes check SPAM or SAINT logs first
2. Check tp log.
Execute tcode STMS_IMPORT Goto -> tp System Log
3. Check transport import log from STMS_IMPORT, applicable only if transport already started.
OCS queue cleanup:
If you are in the intial stage of SPAM/SAINT and you want to remove the queue and redo it again you can do it, Provided SPAM or SAINT hasn’t reached the phase
One can always keep an eye on the phases and compare it with report SA38 -> RSSPAM10 (SPAM/SAINT: List Import phases by scenario).
This reports describes each phase for SAINT and SPAM.
Lets say we have verified the phase it has not reached SCHEDULE_RDDIMPDP phase and we want to start everything afresh then how to do it?
First try to work with function modules for OCS queue cleanup.
You can put tool name as SPAM or SAINT whichever is required and execute.
Another function module is SPAM_RESET_STATUS
If any of the above function module is not helping in cleanup and throwing error the proceed manually.
Goto OS level and identify carefully the data file and the co-file for SAP components involved in SPAM/SAINT. The files present in EPS/in are read and related data file and co-file are extracted to /usr/sap/trans data and cofiles directory. After that, they gets added to import buffer.
Remove or rename data file and co-file for those particular components.
Rename the buffer file, goto /usr/sap/trans/buffer and identify your SID named file and rename it like
Now login to SAP. If its SPAM goto Extra -> Reset status -> Queue
In case of SAINT you just need to click on ‘Back’ button till it reaches initial screen.
Below are some reports related to SPAM/SAINT, probably not all will be available but you can check in your system and use them when needed.
Name Title |
RSSPAM00 Classify Transport Objects for Support Package Systems |
RSSPAM02 SPAM: Find Support Package Overshooters in Add-On Upgrade/Installation |
RSSPAM03 SPAM: Uploading OCS Packages from file system |
RSSPAM05 Support Package Directory |
RSSPAM07 SPAM: Queue Status |
RSSPAM08 SPAM: Displaying errors during test import |
RSSPAM09 SPAM: Display objects locked in requests |
RSSPAM10 SPAM/SAINT: List Import phases by scenario |
RSSPAM12 SPAM: Determine Conflicts Between Support Packages and Add-Ons |
RSSPAM15 SPAM: XPRA for Clearing during SPAM update |
RSSPAM17 Reset of processed object lists of the OCS conflict check |
RSSPAM18 Displaying Open Conversion Requests in the Data Dictionary |
RSSPAM19 Display the Open V3 Update and Data Extraction Requests |
RSSPAM22 Display required note corrections |
RSSPAM23 Display the TMS transport requests which should be imported before |
RSSPAM30 Execution of OCS Package Import |
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Very Helpfull