Exposing IView contents as syndication format
Exposing IView contents as syndication format
Exposing IView contents as syndication format: We all know the famous syndication formats like RSS/Atom and also their advantages.
So how about exposing our Iview contents as RSS/Atom, which is really useful to keep our users uptodate of the content changes?
In this blog I will show you how to expose Custom IView contents as RSS 2.0 format using ROME open source library (https://rome.dev.java.net/)
ROME libraries support all popular RSS and ATOM formats.
Download the latest rome library (rome-1.0RC1.jar) and also latest jdom library (jdom.jar) from https://www.jdom.org/ and put them in distPORTAL-INFprivatelib folder of your project.
For our example I will implement an AbstractPortalComponent which is a news component with RSS functionality.
Here are the screenshots of what I have implemented:
Shows an Iview with RSS tray option
Clicking the above MyRss tray option shows the RSS of the news Iview
So adding the RSS link to your favourite RSS Client shows news updates from your Iview. The Rss link in the above example is https://wdfv00196150b:53000https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtmode/rss/prtroot/myrssproject.myrsscomponent
Here is the code:
- ” + newsBean.title + “
- “); } } /* *Adds the MyRss tray option to Iview tray */ private String addTrayOptionJSCode(String name, String function, String iViewID) { StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer(); code.append(”
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