Few words on table RSDIOBJ – directory of all InfoObjects: Sometimes we need to find proper IO while we developing BW’s flow’s and associated InfoProviders. It is definitely easy to reuse what’s already pre-delivered (in form of Business Content aka BCT) with BW than to develop custom IOs. To find out if particular IO is already activated from BCT we usually use TA RDS1. If IO is not popping up within this TA we usually activate it.


But there is a different way except to find the IO via RSD1 or RSA1 transactions. Actually repository of all the IOs is stored in table RSDIOBJ. The table acts as directory of all the IOs. So let’s have a look on what is other interesting information within the above mentioned table.

Main field:

IOBJTP – Type of an InfoObject:

CHA    Characteristic

KYF     Key figure

TIM     Time characteristic

DPA    Data packet characteristic

UNI     Unit of measurement

BCT relevant fields:

CONTREL – BCT Content release e.g. 7.1/01, 1.2/02

CONTTIMESTMP – Time stamp of last modification to the object by SAP (BCT timestamp)

OWNER – Person who created object = always SAP as it is BCT relevant field

BWAPPL – BW Application where the objects bellows to, e.g. BW, APO, etc

ACTIVFL – if X active and revised version do not agree

Time stamp relevant fields:

TSTPNM – Last changed by, in case OBJVER is D it is always SAP, if custom it is name of user who touched the objects for last time

TIMESTMP – UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) of object last change

Version relevant fields:

OBJVERS – describes Object Version with regards to BCT:

A        Active

M       Revised

N        New

D        Content

H        Historic

T        Transport

OBJSTAT – describes Object Status from object as itself:

ACT    Active, executable

INA     Inactive, not executable

OFF    Switched off

PRO    Productive

Other fields:

PROTECFL – value X if IO is protected, it means that changes to data and metadata are not allowed for the object because it is internal system object, e.g. 0DATE* 0 date related, 0D* – e.g. 0H_ALEAFNOC, 0FACTCOUNT, 0H* – hierarchy related, 0LANGU, 0OBJECTID, 0TXTLG, 0TXTMD, 0TXTSH

PRIVATEFL – IO is Private means used for Temporal Hierarchy Join InfoObjects, IO which are on Hierarchy tab of IO maintenance screen enabled as “Use Temporal Hierarchy Join” That’s the feature that is to be used for this characteristic with time-dependent hierarchies. (e.g. 0D_FC_CUST1, 0D_FC_PERS1, 0D_FC_SEMP1, 0D_NW_CHB1, 0D_NW_CRB1, 0D_NW_EMPL1, 0D_NW_ORGU1)

FIELDNM – name of the IO in structures (not in database table), by structures is meant start/end routine structues of source/result_package, also the name is used in ABAP DDIC structures of InfoProviders where the IO is used (e.g. 0SALES has field name = SALES, ZZ_IPPORT = /BIC/ZZ_IPPORT)

ATRONLYFL – IO is exclusively an attribute (not used in ICs), this settings is available on General tab of IO maintenance screen. If set it can only be used as a display attribute for another IO and not as a navigation attribute. Also particular IO cannot be included in InfoCubes.

BCTCOMP – Obsolete – do not translate. It was used on older version of BW (<7.x) to assign BCT component. As BCT components have been replaced by switched and business packages (Switch Framework) in 7.x it is not used anymore. Example of values, e.g.: DP_DB, XSA, IS-OIL, IMS-USA.

BDSFL – Characteristic is allowed as attribute of documents, used for Comments functionality. Feature can be switched on via General tab of IO maintenance screen. The check box is called “Characteristics is Document Property”. Here you define if the characteristic is permitted as a property for documents. User can assign a comment for a combination of characteristic values for such an IO.

ORIGIN – Origin of Object, technical flag to control upgrading of BCT. Attributes of the IO can be deleted with the new BCT. IO created using TA EEWB “Easy Enhancement Workbench” are not affected by this. Possible values:

E        Extensibility


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