Finding the condition record price for condition type
Finding the Condition record for condition type is really challenging.
For particular Condition Type there can be many condition tables.
Each condition table has access sequence and different key combinations.
For example if we go to VK13 transaction we see the available condition records available.
Below are the code for accessing the codition record:
- Build the internal table with possible key field names and values as below:
- Call the Function module SD_COND_T685_SELECT as below:
* get the details about condition type
cts_kappl = ‘V’ “Application
cts_kschl = ‘ZKRC’ “Condition type
cts_kvewe = ‘A’ “Use
cts_t685 = lwa_t685. “Conditions: Types
- Use the access sequence returned i.e. lwa_t685-kozgf for selecting records from access details table i.e. T682I table.
* Get the Access sequence details
SELECT * FROM t682i INTO TABLE lit_t682i
WHERE kvewe = lv_kvewe
AND kappl = lv_kappl
AND kozgf = lwa_t685-kozgf.
- The condition table names will get by concatenating Use and Condition table
Ex: use is ‘A’ and condtion table is ‘599’ then table to aceess is ‘A599’.
- Loop all the condtion tables and find the key fields for those from DD03L table
Build dynamically the key fields and their values from using DD03L and Keyfields internal table.
- Get the condition record number from condition tables
- Get the price from KONP table for the condition record number .
BEGIN OF t_keyfields, " Key fields for codition records fname TYPE fieldname, " Key field name fvalue TYPE char30, " field value END OF t_keyfields. DATA: lwa_t685 TYPE t685, lwa_keyfields TYPE t_keyfields, lit_keyfields TYPE TABLE OF t_keyfields, lwa_t682i TYPE t682i, lit_t682i TYPE TABLE OF t682i, lwa_dd03l TYPE dd03l, lit_dd03l TYPE TABLE OF dd03l, lv_kappl TYPE kappl VALUE 'V', lv_kschl TYPE kschl VALUE 'ZGRC', lv_kvewe TYPE kvewe VALUE 'A', lv_fvalue TYPE c LENGTH 52, lv_tabname TYPE tabname, lv_keynotfound TYPE c, lv_initwhere TYPE c LENGTH 100, lv_wherecond TYPE c LENGTH 300, lv_kbetr TYPE kbetr, lv_knumh TYPE knumh, lv_kdgrp TYPE kdgrp, lwa_sales_hd TYPE bapisdhd. *Prepare the key fields * Application lwa_keyfields-fname = 'KAPPL'. lwa_keyfields-fvalue = 'A'. APPEND lwa_keyfields TO lit_keyfields. * Condition Type lwa_keyfields-fname = 'KSCHL'. lwa_keyfields-fvalue = 'ZKRC'. APPEND lwa_keyfields TO lit_keyfields. * Sales Orgnization IF lwa_sales_hd-sales_org IS NOT INITIAL. lwa_keyfields-fname = 'VKORG'. lwa_keyfields-fvalue = '0010'. APPEND lwa_keyfields TO lit_keyfields. ENDIF. * Sales Division IF lwa_sales_hd-distr_chan IS NOT INITIAL. lwa_keyfields-fname = 'VTWEG'. lwa_keyfields-fvalue = '00'. APPEND lwa_keyfields TO lit_keyfields. ENDIF. * Plant IF g_wa_ord_header-plant IS NOT INITIAL. lwa_keyfields-fname = 'WERKS'. lwa_keyfields-fvalue = 'AR00'. APPEND lwa_keyfields TO lit_keyfields. ENDIF. * Customer / Sold-to-party IF g_hd_kunnr IS NOT INITIAL. lwa_keyfields-fname = 'KUNNR'. lwa_keyfields-fvalue = '0010101023'. APPEND lwa_keyfields TO lit_keyfields. ENDIF. * Material IF g_td_matnr IS NOT INITIAL. lwa_keyfields-fname = 'MATNR'. lwa_keyfields-fvalue = 'MAT1234'. APPEND lwa_keyfields TO lit_keyfields. ENDIF. * get the details about condition type CALL FUNCTION 'SD_COND_T685_SELECT' EXPORTING cts_kappl = 'V' "Application cts_kschl = 'ZKRC' "Condition type cts_kvewe = 'A' "Use IMPORTING cts_t685 = lwa_t685. "Conditions: Types * Get the Access sequence details SELECT * FROM t682i INTO TABLE lit_t682i WHERE kvewe = lv_kvewe AND kappl = lv_kappl AND kozgf = lwa_t685-kozgf. SORT lit_t682i BY kotabnr. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM lit_t682i COMPARING kotabnr. SORT lit_t682i BY kolnr. * Build the initial where condition for condition tables CONCATENATE `'` lv_kappl `'` INTO lv_fvalue. CONCATENATE 'KAPPL' '=' lv_fvalue INTO lv_initwhere SEPARATED BY space. CONCATENATE `'` lv_kschl `'` INTO lv_fvalue. CONCATENATE lv_initwhere 'AND' 'KSCHL' '=' lv_fvalue INTO lv_initwhere SEPARATED BY space. * Loop the condition tables LOOP AT lit_t682i INTO lwa_t682i. CLEAR: lv_tabname,lit_dd03l,lv_keynotfound,lv_wherecond,lv_kbetr. CONCATENATE lwa_t682i-kvewe lwa_t682i-kotabnr INTO lv_tabname. *Key fields of tabname *get the key field information from DD03L table SELECT * FROM dd03l INTO TABLE lit_dd03l WHERE tabname = lv_tabname AND keyflag = gc_x. * Remove the client field as it is passed default DELETE lit_dd03l WHERE fieldname = 'MANDT'. * Remove the application as we already build above READ TABLE lit_dd03l INTO lwa_dd03l WITH KEY fieldname = 'KAPPL'. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. DELETE lit_dd03l INDEX sy-tabix. ELSE. CONTINUE. ENDIF. * Remove the Condition type READ TABLE lit_dd03l INTO lwa_dd03l WITH KEY fieldname = 'KSCHL'. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. DELETE lit_dd03l INDEX sy-tabix. ELSE. CONTINUE. ENDIF. * Remove the valid to field as have given select query READ TABLE lit_dd03l INTO lwa_dd03l WITH KEY fieldname = 'DATBI'. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. DELETE lit_dd03l INDEX sy-tabix. ELSE. CONTINUE. ENDIF. * Initiate the building of dynamic where condition lv_wherecond = lv_initwhere. LOOP AT lit_dd03l INTO lwa_dd03l. * Concatenate the fields and values for key READ TABLE lit_keyfields INTO lwa_keyfields WITH KEY fname = lwa_dd03l-fieldname. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. CONCATENATE `'` lwa_keyfields-fvalue `'` INTO lv_fvalue. CONCATENATE lv_wherecond 'AND' lwa_keyfields-fname '=' lv_fvalue INTO lv_wherecond SEPARATED BY space. ELSE. lv_keynotfound = 'X'. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. * skip the search in table if any of the key field missing IF lv_keynotfound IS INITIAL AND sy-subrc EQ 0. * Retrieve the condition record number SELECT SINGLE knumh FROM (lv_tabname) INTO lv_knumh WHERE (lv_wherecond) AND datbi >= sy-datum. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * get the Price from Conditions Item table SELECT kbetr INTO lv_kbetr UP TO 1 ROWS FROM konp WHERE knumh = lv_knumh. ENDSELECT. IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND lv_kbetr NE 0. * display the price if found and exit the search g_td_grc_pric = lv_kbetr. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP.
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