Fiori: My Spend Application..Part – (A): Finally thought of writing blog  after struggling to configure the Myspend fiori application. Here i am explaining the

Basic functionalities of Myspend fiori  application, Backend configuration,Functional side backend configuration and

what we are facing issues and how to solve.Some important points about Myspend Fiori application…:)

So I don’t want you all to struggle and waste your time…


My Spend :


Type: Transactional application

With My Spend, you can track the budget and spending status of your departments and projects, anywhere and anytime.

This app consolidates budget and spending  information and visualizes it in an easy-to-consume way.

Key Features:

•   Display the overview of budget or spending information by department, project or expense type.

•   View the expense details of a specific department, project or expense type, including actual, committed, total and

budget, spending data, and the variance  between total and budget spending.

•   View trends and line items of different cost elements.

•   Drill down by various dimensions and to the corresponding accounts.

•   Switch the display mode between charts and tables,View alerts and inform responsible persons Save the spending

details as tile.

•   If your company uses SAP Jam, you can post comments there. You can also send emails from this app.

For more information see here:..:)

{ Fiori: My Spend Application Basic Functionalities…Part – (B)…. Fiori: My Spend Application..Part – (A)…:)===========================================================================================

  • Business configuration:


Assigning PFCG role to user:

Authorization must be explicitly given to a user to run a certain Fiori application.

Persanalization Configuration:

1. Run transaction FPB_MAINTAIN_PERS_S in the back-end system.

2. Enter DIA_CCMONITOR in Personalization Dialog, enter your target user, and then click Execute.

3. Specify your controlling area, cost center group, cost element group, and then click Save. (Cost Center Group and

Cost Element Group are required, because the application cannot recognize individual values.)

4. In the next page, enter DIA_IOMONITOR in Personalization Dialog, enter your target user, and then click Execute.

5. Specify your controlling area, internal order group, cost element group, and then click Save. (Cost Center Group and

Cost Element Group are required,  because the application cannot recognize individual values.)

For more information see here:

App Implementation: My Spend – SAP Fiori Apps for Lower Back-End Releases – SAP Library

{ Learn Backend Business Configuration for My spend Fiori Application Step by Step – (C)…….. Fiori: My Spend Application..Part – (A)…:)===========================================================================================

  • Functional Side Configuration:


   1. Actual Cost reflect after MIGO with reference to PO. (PO must be release at all level for MIGO)


                       Directly we can post Actual values through FB50,FB60 transactions.

   2. Committed values are coming from after creating PR / PO.

3. Total = Actual + Commitment.

4. In My spend application budget values are coming from plan cost.

  • KP06 – Cost center planning
  • KPF6 – Internal order planning

5. Variance = Budget  – Total.

For more information see here:..:)

{ Learn Functional Side Backend Configuration for My spend Fiori Application Step by Step – (D)…….. Fiori: My Spend Application..Part – (A)…:)===========================================================================================

Remembering Points:


  • MySpend app we can see only one controlling area’s data at a time.
  • For different controlling area, we need to change the controlling area as per your requirement in FPB_MAINTAIN_PERS_S.
  • we should assign that cost center to cost center group and cost element to cost element group and then put those

created groups in  FPB_MAINTAIN_PERS_S and then save.

SAP Fiori Demo Cloud edition [Use this below link]:

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