Forecasting with Lumira – Can you Share?
I’ve written about this before How to Predict the Future in Lumira SP12 but there were a couple things I forgot since I wrote this. First you need a time dimension before forecasting:
Then you can go to the measure you want to forecast as shown below:
You are prompted for the number of periods to forecast:
Then the forecast appears:
Green is the forecast sales.
You can also show with bar charts:
Line charts look better though with this.
You can also use Linear regression to forecast:
Then I can do a linear visualization, on Lumira Desktop:
Here is the view in the storyboard on Lumira Desktop:
However you cannot share this to Lumira cloud – this is what happens:
I contacted the Lumira Support Expert team, and they indicated this is a known limitation, that you cannot share your forecasting storyboards to the cloud.
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