What you will need
- A Slack account (with configuration rights)
- An AWS account
- About 30 minutes!
- Slack: create a slash command; collect a security token
- AWS IAM: create a user; collect an Access Key ID and Secret Key
- Command Line: encrypt the security token with the access key + secret key
- AWS Lambda: create the function
- Slack: link slash command to AWS
- AWS Lambda: link to SAP notes
Step 1: Slack Slash Command
Go to https://.slack.com/apps/manage/custom-integrations, click on “Slash Command” and press the “Add Configuration” button.
Step 2: Create an AWS User
In your AWS account, go to the Identify & Access Management (IAM):
There, create a new user. And here comes a critical part: you need to show and store the security credentials, as these cannot be retrieved later on. I would recommend that you perform a copy / paste into a safe place rather that take a screenshot as below:
Step 3: Encrypt the Token
Last check before we can start the encryption: in AWS, call the Lamda service. From the URL, note your region (e.g. us-east-1):
Now, you can call the command line and type
aws configure
You will be asked to enter the information you already collected:
- AWS Access Key ID
- AWS Secret Access Key
- Default Region Name
- Default Output Format (leave blank and press enter)
Next, still in the command line, type
aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/ --plaintext "
The result should look somewhat like this:
Step 4: Create the Lambda Function
In AWS Lambda, click on the “Get Started Now” or “Create a Lambda Function” button. AWS has already prepared several blueprints for you. Simply filter with keyword slack and select “slack-echo-command”:
Step 5: Link Slack with AWS
Ready to test? Open your slack application. In any conversation (I prefer the slackbot one for tests), enter:
/sapnote 2345678
You should receive something like this:
Step 6: Link to SAP Notes
callback(null, `:scroll: <https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/${commandText}|SAP Note Search: ${commandText}>`);
Don’t forget to save your changes in AWS and test in Slack by entering command:
/sapnote 2345678
Result should look like this, with a link to https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2345678:
Token has not been set
Invalid request token
Any logs?
The example above might not be impressive as such, but showcases nicely how to setup the right platform in a very short time frame. You can now start building on this to create more fancy interaction. I, for one, can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with.
I highly recommend Paul Modderman’s excellent blog posts on Slack / SAP integration:
* https://blogs.sap.com/2016/03/18/slacking-off-1-of-3/
* https://blogs.sap.com/2016/03/18/slacking-off-2-of-3/
* https://blogs.sap.com/2016/03/18/slacking-off-3-of-3/
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