Guidelines for Modifying SAP Business One Data
We can always see customers/partners using several direct updates in some form of Add-Ons/TransactionNotification. Below are some guidelines:
Question1: Is it permit to INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE on UDTs through HANA Studio, Coding, B1if?
Answer: Direct updates not allowed. It is ok for UDTs of type [No Object & No Object with Auto. Increment] only.
Question2: Is it permit to INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE on UDFs from System table through HANA Studio, Coding, B1if?
Answer: Not allowed in Business One system tables.
Question3: Is it allowed to CREATE/ALTER/DROP in SAP Business One Database but not as UDTs?
Answer: It is not allowed to create tables in Business One other than via SDK UDTs.
Question1: Is it allowed to do: UPDATE OPOR SET Printed = ‘Y’?
Answer: No
Question2: Is it allowed to do: UPDATE OPOR SET U_DSIC_ParentDoc = ‘1234’?
Answer: No
Question3: Is it allowed to do: INSERT INTO [@DS_TESTUDT]?
Answer: No(If UDT is registered for UDO] Yes for UDTs of type [No Object & No Object with Auto. Increment] only.
These rules are described in the B1 certification page: and specifically the Test Plan document: section 3.4 Modifying SAP Business One Data.
The same applies while doing all these modifications in SBO_SP_PostTransactionNotice andSBO_SP_TransactionNotification. Refer to SAP Note 1320484 for the same.
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