You can find several programs in SPIG package,these programs use IGS to generate the business fact,the chart is generated according to data xml and customizing xml.

the detail relevant knowledge please see How to display a dynamically generated business chart from IGS in WebDynpro for ABAP application and Adobe Interactive Form?Thank Alex.Liu’s share.

there is a requirement that use bar chart to display the resouce(truck/trailer) status,there are 3 basic statuses for a resource which is allocated/available/maintenance but with serveral combined status for a range time.

the designed sequence is as following

1.generate the bar chart data.

2.upload the bar chart to a server and get the detail url address.

3.use the url to display it in the web dynpro.

ps:sap chartdesigner is a nice tool to generate a business chart.after generating the business chart you required,just save the customing XML,and open it ,you will know the customizing xml structure,then convert the XML file into you program and you can generate the same business chart by program.

Though you can get the customizing xml from sap chartdesigner,you can’t get the data xml from the sap chartdesigner,maybe you also need to know what the structure of a data xml is,following link may strenghten you knowlege about data xml for IGS.

the preview of my requirement.several combined status(blue is allocated/white is available/grey is maintenance) which is generated from the following method

**Main method.

ps:iv_igs_dest is a rfc destination,you can find it in SM59,here iv_igs_dest = ‘IGS_RFC_DEST’

the function ‘WDY_CONSTRUCT_URL’ get the url of a web dynpro application.

the rv_icon_add is the final url address(https://xxxx/xxx/xx.bmp)

*Sub Method


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