
This guide will focus on the installation of a ‘Create Sales Orders’ Transactional Fiori App in an ABAP environment on ERP 6.0 EHP 7 running embedded Gateway using transaction SAINT. There are also other ways to install the apps with SAP Maintenance Planner not described here.


Make sure you have installed and configured the Gateway and all necessary SAPUI5 components.

Business Scenario

You have been asked to simplify the user experience at your company to save up on training for new and existing employees for Field Sales Representatives. You have heard of FIORI but are not sure how to start.

Step 1 – Find a FIORI app to simplify Sales Orders creation

Access the following link: and search for ‘Create Sales Orders’ app.

The above website should be the main starting point when implementing a FIORI app. It describes the app features, installation information, configuration as well as extension points which tell you what features of the standard app can be enhanced. If you can’t find a relevant FIORI app, you may consider creating a custom one.

Once you have found the required app, you may want to check the database it runs on as well as the prerequisites for installation:

‘Any DB’ means we don’t need the HANA database. If the above says ‘HANA’ then we either need SAP Business Suite on HANA or S/4 Hana in order to install and run the app.

Step 2 – Deploy the Front-End Components

a)    Download the Front-End component files

From the FIORI catalogue identify the front ends components to be installed (Implementation Information/Installation/Front-End Components):

Download the above component from:

Along with all the corresponding support packages 0001-0010


b)    Install the files

Log in to client 000 of your system.

Run transaction SAINT.   

Install the downloaded UI components.

c)    Activate the SICF for App URL

Identify name of the app from the Fiori apps library (Implementation Information/Configuration/SAPUI5 Application)

Run transaction SICF and use the following path: default_host -> sap -> bc -> UI5_UI5 -> sap -> sd_so_cre

You can see that the service is grey which means inactive. Right click it and activate.

Step 3 – Deploy the Back-End Components

a)    Download the Back-End components files

From the FIORI apps catalogue identify the front ends components to be installed (Implementation Information/Installation/Back-End Components):

Download the above component from:

Along with the support packages 0001 – 0008

 b)    Install the files

Log in to client 000 of your system.

Run transaction SAINT.

Install the downloaded Back-End components.

c)    Activate the OData service

 Identify the name of the OData Service from the Fiori apps catalogue (Implementation Information/Configuration/OData Services)

Run transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE and click ‘Add Service’:


Choose the System Alias and Technical Service Name:


Select the displayed Backend Service and click on ‘Add Selected Services’: 


You will get an ‘Add Service’ pop up. Assign a package (I am using a local object for test purposes – in real scenario create a package)

And press continue.

The OData service should now be visible in the Service Catalog of transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE


Step 4 – Authorizations

SAP provides you with role templates once you install the relevant app components. You can either use the existing components or take a Z copy of the template. It is up to your authorization team and should be adapted to your authorization concept.

Since I am using embedded Gateway the following steps may differ if using Gateway Central Hub Deployment where you need to take care of authorizations both on the ECC side and the Gateway side.

a) Create PFCG role with Launchpad Start Authorization

Copy role SAP_UI2_USER_700 under the Z namespace e.g. Z_UI_USER

Click on the ‘Menu’ tab and add ‘Authorization Default’

Add IWSG authorizations for: ZINTEROP_0001 and ZPAGE_BUILDER_PERS_0001

Go to tab ‘Authorizations’ click on ‘Change Authorization Data’


Add the following authorization objects:

Make sure the traffic lights are green by clicking on them:

Generate the authorization profile and save it.

Assign the authorization role to the user in the ‘User’ tab and click on ‘User Comparison’

b) Create PFCG Role for Launchpad Catalogues and Groups

Find the business role template in the FIORI apps library documentation for our SD app.

Go to transaction PFCG and copy it into the Z namespace e.g. ZSAP_SD_BCR_FIELDSALESREP_X1

In our new role we can see that the following elements have been copied:

Which gives users access to the tile catalogue and tile group in the FIORI Launchpad.

Generate a profile and assign to the user just like in step a)

c) Create PFCG role to access oData services

Copy roles SAP_SD_SO_CRE_APP under Z namespace e.g. ZSAP_SD_SO_CRE_APP

Add IWSG authorizations for: ZSRA017_SALESORDER_CREATE_SRV_0001

Go to the ‘Menu’ tab and click on add ‘Authorization Default’

Enter the following details:

Save the role menu and you should now see the following:

Generate the profile and assign to the user just like in step a)

Note: In backend the user must have authorization to RFC trusted connection if you have a central hub gateway.

To check for authorisation issues to the backend use transaction: IWFND/ERROR_LOG

Step 5 – Test the app

The natural environment as an entry point for FIORI apps is the FIORI Launchpad which is a container for all your FIORI apps and it should be used in the production environment. After the installation you may want to test if the app is working correctly and test it in the standalone mode.

In order to run the app in a standalone mode you need to use the following link format:


Server and port

This is your server name and port your app will be running on

Component Name

To get the Component name run the following link: https://:/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/sd_so_cre/Component.js

And get the component name:


Shell url

This is the URL pointing to the app resource file location on the server: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/sd_so_cre

The full link will look as follows:


You should now be able to test your app in the standalone mode. The configuration of the Fiori Launchpad will be described in my next blog.


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