How to publish an xclesius dashboard in a BSP application

1.     Abstract

How to publish an xclesius dashboard in a BSP application: Sometimes it is necessary that we can embed our dashboard as a BSP Application. So that user/client gets the BI reports and dashboards all together in a single portal.

We know that dashboard which is built with SAP NW Connection in Xcelsius, it is directly published on EP Portal with iView.

But for the dashboard which is built with different connection like web-services, it is not directly published on EP Portal. We have to embed the swf of the dashboard in a BSP application and then publish it on EP.

2.     Creating a BSP application

For creating a BSP application, go to SE80 t-code. Select package and user name.

Follow the below navigation:

3.  Creating a page and importing swf in a BSP application

To create a page in a BSP application which we have developed in step 2:

In the Layout, enter the following code:

<%@page language=”abap”%><%@extension name=”htmlb” prefix=”htmlb”%>

title = Dashboard”>

demo.swf quality=“high” bgcolor=“#869ca7”width=“100%” height=“100%” name=“test_page” align=“middle”play=“true”loop=“false” quality=“high” allowScriptAccess=“sameDomain”type=“application/x-shockwave-flash”pluginspage=>


Note: Change the demo.swf file with your swf’s name.

Import the swf of the dashboard using below navigation:

How to publish an xclesius dashboard in a BSP application

Choose the swf location and then press OK.

Then activate the BSP application.

Then test the display.html by right clicking on that.

You will able to see dashboard in browser.

Hope this helpful !!!


Niket Talati

New NetWeaver Information at

Very Helpfull



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