Many of our customers would like to send mails from their Integration Flows, especially in the context of error handling.

As of today there are 3 options to achieve this.

  1. Connect via the mail receiver adapter to a cloud based mail server. Please check our documentation for detailed configuration options.
  2. Connect via the mail receiver adapter and the SAP Cloud Connector to your OnPrem mail server. I described this option in my previous blog “How to connect via SAP Cloud Platform Integration to my On-Premise mail server“.
  3. Send mails via the SAP Cloud Platform service “Live Link for IN365-Email”.

I will elaborate on option (3) in this blog as it seems not well known yet. Live Link for IN365-Email is a commercial mail gateway service on SAP Cloud Platform. It exposes a REST API’s which are documented here.

If you would like to get more information or commercial details please don’t hesitate to mail .

Once you subscribed to the service you will get

  • the API endpoint information
  • your credentials
  • your mail sender ID / customer domain

For my test example I got

  • URL =
  • User & password for basic authentication
  • Sender ID = [email protected]

Now all I have to do is to

  • deploy a credential for basic authentication with the user and password I got
  • create a JSON payload according to the API specification
  • send it via the http adapter with basic authentication to the endpoint

In my simplistic Integration Flow I use the content modifier to create the JSON payload.

My complete JSON sample looks as follows:

{ "SAPnotification": { "channelPreferences":"EMAIL", "recipients": ["email:[email protected]"], "contentTextType": "text/plain", "contentText":"Greetings from SAP Cloud Platform Integration", "contentTextEncoding": "NONE", "sender":"[email protected]", "configuration": { "email": { "replyTo":"[email protected]", "senderName":"IFlowForMailTest", "subject":"This is a mail from SAP Cloud Platform Integration" } } } }

Also the http adapter settings are straightforward:

Once I deploy my Integration Flow I receive the following mail:

So the usage of the SAP Cloud Platform service “Live Link for IN365-Email” is simple. I hope you may consider this option in future where appropriate.