You want to use different payslips in the portal depending on different fields. The standard system only offers as decision criteria MOLGA Country Grouping and RCLAS Report Category for Decision Feature.

The feature HRFOR uses structure PMEHF. This structure has several fields available for decision that can be used:

Field Description
BUKRS Company Code
WERKS Personnel Area
BTRTL Personnel Subarea
PERSG Employee Group
PERSK Employee Subgroup
ABKRS Payroll Area
KOSTL Cost Center
JUPER Legal Person
VDSK1 Organizational Key
GSBER Business Area
MOLGA Country Grouping
UNAME User Name
ZTERF Employee Time Management Status
PAYTY Payroll type
RCLAS Report Category for Decision Feature
VARKY Dependent Key for Report Categories (16 Character)
  1. Execute transaction PE03.
  2. Enter value HRFOR in the feature field.
  3. Select “Attribute” option
  4. Click on “Change” button
  5. Click in “Struct.” button
  6. Select those valid values relevant for you.

Example: You want to use a different payslip for the regular payroll run and for an off-cycle payroll run, you can add field PAYTY.

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