Earlier we used to design th UI screens using SAP UI5 for which we need to install another softwares like Eclipse,WEB IDE, etc where we design the screen using them and every later for every changes we need to submit to SAP server everytime which was very time consuming process.With the evolution of Neptune which is an add-on to SAP where we can build the screen and access the data in SAP GUI itself which makes the development much more easier.

A Neptune application to display general customer details in list page based on customer number and country & navigate to  detail page on clicking on a table row in list page and display customer master details based on customer number.

Step 1: Go to SE93, provide the Neptune t.code /Neptune/Designer and click on execute.2016 11 22 09 46 54 Maintain Transaction 1929975

Step 2: Provide application name and click on create.

Step 3:  In settings, provide the description & application class and in library tab select the radio button SAPUI5 & check sap.m library checkbox.2016 11 16 16 52 12 Zneptune App Change Active 9005680

Step 4:  In theme tab, select Bluecrystal.

Step 5: In order to download app into your Neptune system, go to SE93. Give transaction code as /NEPTUNE/APPSTORE and click on execute.2016 11 21 09 54 22 Maintain Transaction 1855207

Now search for app, select sap.m.App, click on Import. Then code snippet app will be added to your Neptune library.

Step 6: In order to use code snippet app, go to designer tab. In objects panel, right click on HTML5 Document. Select code snippets -> Neptune -> Code Snippet – App.2016 11 15 15 42 21 Zneptune Sampleform Change Active 4671635

Step 7: Now go to class builder by clicking on class builder button.

Step 8: In the interfaces tab, provide the interface as follows.

Now go to Methods tab and click on Handle OnAjax method.2016 11 21 15 03 11 Class Builder  Change Class Zcl Sample Form 9462435

Step 9: Write the code as follows.
METHOD /neptune/if_nad_server~handle_on_ajax.
  CASE ajax_id.
      get_kna1_details( ajax_value ).
      get_knb1_details( AJAX_VALUE ).
        get_popover( ).

Step 10: Now declare the methods in methods tab.

Now click on GET_KNA1_DETAILS method to implement it.Write the code as follows.

METHOD get_kna1_details.
** Data Declaration
  DATA : l_no TYPE kunnr,          “Customer number
              l_country TYPE land1_gp.  “Country
SPLIT I_data AT ‘:’ INTO l_no l_country. “Splitting the input
** Adding leading zeroes to material number
       input  = l_no
      output = l_no.
**  fetching data based on input
 SELECT kunnr
                ort01 INTO TABLE i_kna1 FROM kna1 WHERE kunnr = l_no AND land1 = l_country.

Now click on GET_KNB1_DETAILS method to implement it.Write the code as follows.

** fetching data from knb1

Save, check and activate the class.

Step 11: OShell->oApp-> oPageSelection->headerSelection-> Middle->txtTitleSelection. Go to Attributes panel, provide text in the properties as Customer Details which will be our main page heading.

Step 12: Now in form selection provide work area w_kna1  in Model Source and provide it’s corresponding Ajax ID.

Now click on Additional model send / receive button, in order to enable receiving and sending data from the current form selection.

Step 13: Now go to formSelectionTitle1 and check disable check box.

Do the same for formSelectionTitle2.

Step 14: Now go to click on lblField1 button to get selection text as Customer number, provide text in the properties of attribute panel.2016 11 16 17 24 27 Zneptune App Change Inactive Revised 8220800

Do the same for lblField2.

Step 15: Now click on inField1 button, in order to bind customer number to the field. Assign kunnr to the value in the Attributes panel.2016 11 17 15 05 48 Zneptune App Change Active 9772976

Do the same for inField2, to bind country name.

Step 16: Now Go to footerSelection-> Right -> butSelectionSearch. Now in Attributes panel click on button right to the press event.2016 11 17 15 14 07 Zneptune App Change Active 7330081

Write the following JavaScript code.//getting input values

Var no = sap.ui.getCore().getElementById(“inField1”).getValue();
Var country = sap.ui.getCore().getElementById(“i inField2”).getValue();
//navigating to list page
getOnlineformSelection( no + ‘:’ + country );

Step 17: Now go to oPageList -> click on Table button. Provide Model Source & Ajax ID on object panel and header text as Customer Details in Attributes panel.

Now click on Additional model send / receive button, in order to enable recieving and sending data from the current form selection.2016 11 21 10 06 45 9019361

Step 18: Now click on colcustomerno column button and provide text as “customer no” in Attributes panel.

do the same for country, name and city.

Step 19: Now go to column list item -> click on txtkunnr text button and assign the kunnr in the table to text property in the attribute panel to bind kunnr to table column.2016 11 17 15 43 28 Zneptune App Change Inactive Revised 8464050

Do the same for country, name and city.

Step 20: Go to oPageList -> Table -> click on oColumnListItem1. Now provide type as navigation and click on press event button.

Write the following code in press event.

//Getting selected row
var context = oEvent.oSource.getBindingContext( );
//Getting Single Field
var value = context.getProperty( “KUNNR” );
console.log( value );
//Getting Entire Model
var data = context.getObject( );
console.log( data );
getOnlineoTable( value );
oApp.to( oPageDetail );

Step 21: Now click on oPageDetail button, provide title as Customer master Details in attribute panel.2016 11 17 17 40 56 Znav Cust Details01 Change Inactive Revised 4993693

Step 22: Click on oTable button, provide model source & ajax id.

Click on Additional model send / receive button.

Step 23: As we are only displaying customer master details in oTable, there is no need of checking any other check box as receive for oTable is selected by default.2016 11 17 17 47 57 Neptune Application Designer 1953991Step 24: In order to add column heading as Customer no. Go to oPageDetail -> oTable -> click on oColumnkunnr. Provide text in attributes panel.

Do the same for company code, created on and created by.

Step 25: In order to bind a field to a column in the table. Go to oPageDetail -> oTable -> oColumnListItem -> click on oTextkunnr. Assign I_KNB1-KUNNR to text in properties of Attributes panel.2016 11 17 18 03 33 Znav Cust Details01 Change Active 5037857

Do the same for BUKRS, ERDAT and ERNAM.

Step 26: Save and activate. Click on Run in Browser.

Step 27: Provide input as follows and click on search.

Step 28 : The output of the first table is as follows.

Now click on the selected row, based on customer number it will fetch the data from KNB1 table and will display in details page.

Step 29: The final output is as follows.


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