IT(information technology) in Education
IT in Education: The evolution of technology brought it some advantages around the world. In addition to improving efficiency, it makes the world a global village and facilitates access to information.
Education is one of the cutting edge of technology and is developing every day with the development of science and technology. Importantly, education can prepare them for the future through full student contact to keep up with technological advances. Today, students in our classrooms must be thought leaders, businessmen, teachers, tomorrow’s investors, so we need to be prepared with technology. This includes the use of gadgets in education, such as computers, mobile phones and tablets, and the use of the Internet as a learning medium.
The education sector has not lagged behind in its use of deep technical resources. The application of information technology in education is not just an option. In effective learning, stakeholders in the education sector have found ways to integrate the use of information technology into their day-to-day learning processes.
Schools use a variety of sets of information and communications technology tools to exchange, create, distribute, store, and manage information. It may also be an integral part of teaching and learning interactions, such as replacing the blackboard with an interactive digital whiteboard and a “flip classroom” mode where students learn using their own smartphones and other devices during school hours. If teachers have a digital culture and are trained to leverage information and communications technology, these approaches can develop higher thinking skills, provide students with creative and personalized options to express their understanding, and enhance students’ read readiness for ongoing technological changes in society and the workplace.
1. Access materials
The Internet is filled with a huge amount of teaching materials that learners can access and use to complement any content available in their classes. E-books, revision guides, and past exam paper are available on the web, and students can make use of these to improve their knowledge base. Educational institutions provide computers and the Internet that students can use for this purpose.
2. Continuous Learning
In the modern world, you don’t have to study in class. The use of information technology in education allows students to continue learning wherever they are. Teachers and professors can send students assignments that can be completed and submitted without having to step into the classroom, so learning doesn’t stop. Students can continue their studies at home. This greatly improves the efficiency of the education sector.
3. Knowledge Sharing
Through online forums, students can share knowledge, participate in knowledge discussions, and generally learn from each other. Education utilizing information technology allows students from all over the world to gather and share their experiences, despite their geographical distance. Information technology in education raises students’ awareness of cultural diversity and creates a more tolerant and unified world.
4. Use audiovisual materials as learning aids
The application of information technology in education makes it easier for teachers to teach students. Audiovisual materials allow students to better understand the topics they are teaching. Now, presentation and practice is much easier with the theory taught in the classroom. Therefore, those with slow learning have the opportunity to catch up with those who first mastered what they taught in class.
5. Distance Learning
To accommodate changing populations and unique needs, learning institutions are using information technology in education to adapt to this new demographic structure. Interactive online courses are available for most employment and young people to return to class and receive a second degree or additional certification. It is possible to go on to an overseas university even leave your home country when it is convenient for you.
6. Appropriate record keeping
Technology allows you to store student records more systemically and securely. The combination of information technology in education allows the preservation of the safety and appropriateness of records, as well as the past cases of manual storage of records and many lost archives. As a result, it is much easier to get information.
7. Video Conferencing Tools
Video conferencing technology makes it easy for teachers to deliver virtual lessons anytime, anywhere, providing students with a quality learning experience. In addition, PTA meetings, conferences, training courses, etc. can be easily done without the actual attendance of participants, improving communication between parents, teachers, and other staff.
8. Ensure the effectiveness of information and communications technology
For investments in information and communications technology to benefit students, additional conditions must be met. School policies should provide a minimal ICT infrastructure for schools, including stable and affordable internet connections and security measures such as filters and website blockers. Teacher policies should target basic ICT literacy skills, the use of ICT in educational environments, and the use of specific areas. Successful implementation of communication technology requires its in-place curriculum. Finally, digital content must be developed in the local language and reflect the local culture. Continuous technical, human and organizational support is needed for all of these issues to ensure access to and efficient use of information and communications technology.
9. Resource constraint context
The total cost of ownership of communications technology is a huge amount of training, connectivity, technical support and software for teachers and administrators. When introducing ICT into classrooms, a step-by-step approach should be adopted to develop infrastructure and introduce ict that is sustainable and easy to upgrade. Schools in some countries have begun allowing mobile technologies such as different laptops, tablets and smartphones to be bringed into the classroom instead of providing such tools to all students. However, not all families can provide equipment and service plans to their children. Schools need to ensure that all students can learn fairly using ICT equipment.