Looking Forward to My First SAP TechEd

Looking Forward to My First SAP TechEd: My goal in attending SAP TechEd && d-code is to immerse myself in the world of SAP Solution Manager. I’m attending the Las Vegas location and I’m really looking forward to meeting people from around the world who do and are geeked about the same things that I am. I am relatively new to the SAP scene having spent most of my career in the Microsoft ecosphere. I like to coach and teach, so I’ll be sharing what I learn with my co-workers when I get back to Chicago.

In planning my schedule, I worked with several people from my organization to try to attend as many different sessions as possible. There are some sessions, however, that many of us are attending. Sessions that are really important to me are…

ITM116 Using ChaRM, CSOL, and Retrofit to Support a Dual Project and Production

We all know Solution Manager is a huge application. There is so much functionality in it, including ChaRM, CSOL, and Retrofit. I’m interested to find out how Novelis is successfully using change request management, CSOL and Retrofit in their current business practices. These are powerful tools and it will be intriguing to find out how other companies are using them.

ITM303 SAP Solution Manager ALM Focus at Terumo BCT

In working with Solution Manager, I have also worked with ALM and syncing BPH and requirements. This is another process that I’d like to see done successfully at other companies. I’d specifically like to see how they have been able to increase the quality of metadata coming from Solution Manager into ALM.

ITM120 How to Be Successful with Run SAP Like a Factory

Who wouldn’t want to be successful and run SAP like a factory, and have business run smoothly?? I need to know the answer, including finding out about their Operations Control Center. Rockwell Automation has faced challenges, and I’d like to see how they managed to succeed despite their challenges.

ITM262 Save Time and Money in Dual Landscapes with SAP Solution Manager Retrofit

Again, who wouldn’t want to save time and money? Managing dual landscapes can be a real headache. Semi-automated Retrofit seems like a fantastic way to save the time for coordination of transports across multiple landscapes. I had to make choices about which sessions to attend. This is the session I would use my third hands-on workshop for. Getting hands-on experience with the inner-workings of Retrofit is key for what I’m currently tasked with.

ITM108 Functional Test Automation with SAP Solution Manager 7.1

I’ve mostly used non-Solution Manager tools for test automation, test planning, test execution, and reporting. I’d like to see how Solution Manager compares to some of the other tools that I’ve used.

ITM224 Practical Experiences Implementing SAP Solution Manager

As a newbie, I’m looking to learn from others’ experiences. I’m hoping this session will help to speed up the process of learning to implement SAP Solution Manager.

ITM261 From Business Requirement to Solution with SAP Solution Manager

This is one of the sessions that I am looking forward to the most, the end-to-end explanation and use of Solution Manager. I’ve been working with a subset of functionality. I’m hoping this session will help round out my skill set and help to give me a better, fuller perspective of Solution Manager.

Thanks for reading!

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