Material master screens and fields
This document consists of configuring the material master. However , an understanding of how to make changes to material master.
You can benefit from related Oss notes :
192798 – Problems copying and deleting logical screens
1088189 – Composite SAP Note for material master
545211 – FAQ: Material master Customizing
580227 – Material master: Subscreen staggered by one column
327936 – Classification subscreen in the material master
32139 – User-specific material master – default setting
41174 – Material Master Customizing
107404 – Missing Text in Material Master Views/Screen Sequences
955032 – Material Master: Additional fields for Service Parts Mgmnt
1038117 – ED: Maintaining new field in matrl master data at CC level
1304710 – Material Master: Add. fields on client level for SPM
1141122 – Material Fields for EWM not change document relevant
I try to explain configuration the material master settings for different users or everyone. When you run MM01 tcode , you will see datas for several departments like a purchasing , accounting , mrp , wm , qm … If you want to prevent some views , you can configure material master dialog.
Logical screen and subscreen :
Bellowed print – screen have a Subscreen-General Data with screen number 2001 . Also , all of the datas of subscreens built a Logical screen–Basic data 1.
When designing your own logical screens, you can use either your own subscreens or standard sap subscreens.
Refer to Additional Fields on the Material Master … Thanks to Miroslav Oprsteny
Refer to Enhancing Material Master for adding new fields.. Thanks to Shahanaz Hussain
Refer to **************** – Tips – Implementing screen exits for MM01/MM02/MM03
Refer to **************** – Adding a field to "Sales Org View2" of MM01/MM02 (No screen exit/BaDI available)
Refer to
Use your own screens if you want to have different field groupings , Tools–>Abap workbench–>development–>user interface–>screen painter.
An example for configuring material master :
I want to use the subscreen with Environmentally relevant and DG Indicator Profile fields in Purchasing view in the case of a special material type and only by certain users.
* In the technical information dialog box , screen number 2010 for the program SAPLMGD1 , Note : Users have to use their own programs to insert fields from their tables and their sunscreens for material masters.
* Create a new screen sequence , copy 21 to Z0 , configuration steps :
–> ZO screen sequence created
–> Check data screens
On columns , you can maintain screens :
Screen types :
1 : Main screen such as Basic data , Purchasing , Sales
2 : Secondary screen such as Additional data
Screen container :
Screens for program SAPLMGMM like a 4004 Main screens with 10 subscreens.
Maintenance status :
Special user departments can maintain a MM record of a particular material type.
User department | Maintenance status |
Work scheduling | A |
Accounting | B |
Classification | C |
MRP | D |
Purchasing | E |
Production resources/tools | F |
Costing | G |
Basic data | K |
Storage | L |
Forecasting | P |
Quality management | Q |
Warehouse management | S |
Sales | V |
Plant stocks | X |
Storage location stocks | Z |
GUI Status :
GUI status are defined in Menu–>Painter which consists of a menu bar with menus, a standard toolbar, an application toolbar and functions with function key settings.
Title type for selection group:
Type 2: three/four-part title type, for main screens
When transaction title maintain , it is made up description, screen name, industry sector and material type.
Retail maintain status :
User department | Maintenance status |
Basic data | 0 |
Listing | 1 |
Classification | 2 |
Purchasing | 3 |
Sales | 4 |
Logistics: distribution center | 5 |
Logistics: store | 6 |
POS | 7 |
Allocation table | 8 |
* Change data screen for purchasing related fields in the subscreen 2010.
–> General information : Double click subscreens
* Also ,you can view subscreen and data screen
–> Configurations for adding subscreen to purchasing view , sequence 14 purchasing
–> Replace subscreen 5 with the environment relevant fields
–> Specify for your requirements like a transaction , user , material type , industry sector
–> For example – Specify for material type screen reference : Sarf
–> Go to OMS2 and maintain screen reference of material type
–> You can see Environment related subscreen in Purchasing view of Sarf material type
Thanks to Selin Unal for her passion
M.Ozgur Unal.
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