Maximum utilization of ME31K – Material Contract
Few very impressive usages of the SAP contracts I am mentioning in the documents below. Many of you are already aware but I hope for new bees it is very helpful.
We are discussing 3 different cases.
Case 1 – Purchase value of the material are change on the basis of the quality purchased.
Create contract with T code ME31K
Here Vendor Code, Agreement type, Agreement Date, Purchasing Organization and purchasing group are mandatory field. Plant is not a mandatory field so we leave it blank. Refer Screen 1.
Screen 1
Refer Screen 2 – we need to fill the valid to date of the contract and the estimated contract value
Screen 2
So we need to put the material codes comes under this contract. Please note in screen 1 we did not put any plant, the advantage of this is we can put multiple plants having same purchasing organisation under 1 contract. Refer Screen 3
Screen 3
Select the line against which we want to maintain the price and click on the condition tab .
Screen 4
Now our requirement is to maintain the price on the basis of the quantity. So select the condition type and click on the scale tab
And here you can maintain the scale prices as per the sceen shot the prices of 1 – 9 quantity is now fixed for the contract period. Similarly the prices for quantity 10 – 19 are now fixed and so on.
Screen 5
In the same contract we can fix the vendor also by maintaining the source list by the following path. Select the line item – go to the item tab- select maintain source list. Refer screen
Screen 6
Here we also have the option of fix the vendor and block the vendor for the material
Screen 7
With this we can now able to create the PO as per the case 1.
Case 2 – Many materials having same prices and we need to change the contract prices of all the items in one go.
I hope case 2 is not so regular in the industries, but might be applicable on few materials. So here screen 1 and screen 2 are common to initiate the contract so we directly discuss the further steps.
Here we use item category as “M”, and we just need to put the short text only, no material numeber in the material colom. UOM and Material groups are now mandatory field. Refer screen 8
Screen 8
Now we need to fill the material. Select the line item – go to the item tab- select maintain source list. Refer screen . Here you can maintain N numbers of material.
Point to be noted
- All the materials should having the same Material group
- Having same order unit.
Screen 9
Now maintain the prices as per the process mentioned in screen 4.
Case 3 – further to the case 2, we required more plants in same contract for the same line item.
In case 2 we put the plant in line item 10, but here we do not need to put any plant code in the line items 10. Refer the screen shot.
Screen 10
All the steps are same as in case 2, we just have to select the more plant option.
Path > Select the line – go to edit – Plant condition – select overview.
Screen 11
Put the plants in the window. Please note that the plants mentioned here should have the same purchasing organization.
Screen 12
Select the plant and click on tab and now you are able to follow the steps as mentioned in case 2 for the source list and Condition.
Screen 13
Screen 14
Good thing, we can maintain the different prices for different plant.
Hope this will help
Thanks and Enjoy SAP
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