Next Generation ABAP Development @ SDN Day: Inspired by Thomas    Jung’s recent SDN Days Sessions: Advertise Your Proposal!,    a round table/BOF session called “Next Generation ABAP Development” has    been submitted for approval for SDN    Day.  It appears that Mark    has already SDN Day Sessions (mainly Las Vegas), but here are some additional details.


If you are passionate about ABAP and ABAP related technologies, you    don’t want to miss this session. Our goal for this session is to have an open    discussion about the next generation of ABAP development tools and technologies.    . Questions, comments, tips ‘n’ tricks, and real-world experiences    are welcomed and encouraged. As moderators of the session, we will provide some    material(possibly some demos) on chosen topics, but our hope is to have the    audience drive the session with open discussion.

Joining me in co-sponsoring this session will be SAP Netweaver Product Manager Thomas Jung.


The short list of topics includes, but is not limited to:


  • Web Dynpro ABAP
  • Enhancement Framework
  • ALV Object Model
  • BSP
  • Enterprise Services

With so much ABAP related activity on SDN, my only concern is how many people we can fit around the round table.  So if you are interested in this session, please leave a comment here and    show the good people at SDN how big a round table is needed.  Feel free to comment on various other ABAP related topics that you would like to see included in this session.

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