When people talk about the Internet of Things (IoT), the discussion typically leans towards technology. They debate how the physical world is quickly becoming an information system consisting embedded sensors and actuators linked through the Internet. But this is only the beginning. The real potential of the IoT lies in how the connection of information, nearly 8 billion people, and more than 75 billion devices is radically transforming business processes.

Although the IoT is not a brand-new idea, new technologies are changing how it’s leveraged. First off, sensors are becoming increasingly inexpensive, making it possible to affordably track anything imaginable with these powerful yet tiny devices. And let’s not forget the growing computing power that’s allowing organizations deal with an overwhelming volume of data in real time – no matter the source or complexity of the information. Not only are companies capturing the information and measuring high-level performance, they are also making sense of the information to gain competitive insight.

The Internet of Things: An opportunity to be more insightful and human

Americas’ SAP Users’ Group (ASUG) Internet of Things webcast professed that the IoT is the greatest opportunity the world has had in a long time to make people more insightful and more human. “When you look into another human being’s eyes, you see something that you don’t normally see anywhere else. You see the ability to gain intelligence. And it is this form of digitization that’s proving to be our greatest resource for achieving this kind of insight.”

No longer is this new reality reserved for manufacturers, telcos, and large conglomerates. The IoT is now equal opportunity for all companies, bringing advantages such as:

  • 70% potential reduction in CO2 emissions from smart lighting
  • 6 trillion saved through the use of autonomous connected vehicles
  • 22% potential margin impact through supply chain efficiencies
  • 50% reduction in shrinkage in retail grocery stores
  • 50% decrease in food prices while crop yields increase by 67%

Need further proof that every company can benefit from the IoT? Look no further than the public restroom at your favorite stadium.

Transforming a bathroom supplier into ‘Big Washroom Data’

Hagleitner, the leading complete solutions provider for professional hygiene, offers a comprehensive range of cleaning products and equipment that takes the IoT to a whole new level. In fact, the company is creating public bathrooms that are more responsive and consistent.

Recently, Hagleitner embedded sensors in all its product delivery systems. By matching supply and demand, it is saving warehouse space, producing to meet demand with greater sustainability, and optimizing logistics processes and deployment of personnel. At the same time, its customers are assured that their bathrooms are well-equipped and address every visitor’s bathroom needs.

Gone are the days of running out of toilet paper in the stalls! Thank you Hagleitner – and the IoT !

Get started on your path to making the Internet of Things real for your business

Watch the entire Webcast series “Internet of Things (IoT) Community Webcast Series” presented by ASUG and SAP. Topics include:

Replay available: Making the Internet of Things Real
Replay available: Transform Business Operations and Reimagine Business
Replay available: June 9: From Big Data to Smart Data (IoT)
Replay available: June 11: IoT and Industrie 4.0 – European Perspective, Examples and Business Models
Replay available: June 16: Operationalizing IoT Data for Predictive Analytics
Replay available: June 23: IoT – From Vision to Value
June 30: Transforming Your Business with IoT – SAP Partner Perspectives
July 9: Accelerating IoT in your Organization: Introducing SAP’s IoT Development Platform

Want more insight on the IoT? See Big Data, The Internet Of Things, And The Fourth V.

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