The main agenda of below document is to understood about number ranges and Assignment to different Objects. In Implementation, finding decision on number ranges is crucial role. Once defined and created the documents or master data , it is very difficult to get back and change the number ranges for existing data. Before going to develop the blue print client have to take decision on Number ranges for different objects.

Number Ranges:

Every document or master data will be created with one unique number. This unique number will get from Number series , which was assigned to object. Number ranges need to define in each server. It’s not transportable from one server to another server. Assignment group and code will be transportable but number series defining have to do in each server.

1) Define Number ranges and Material Type assignment :

There was little bit differences in present upgraded SAP servers and old SAP server in screens for defining the number ranges and assignments for material types. But procedure was same.

  • Ø You can’t define directly number ranges to material types, you have to create group and assign material type to this Group.
  • Ø Multiple Material types can be assign to one Group.
  1. Path: SPROà F5 à Logistic General à Material Master à Basic Settings à Material types à Define Number ranges for each Material type


You can directly enter T-code: MMNR

In Old version —-

Click on Groups(change)

Go to Group—> insert

In new version —-

Click on groups(change)

click on create buttion.


You can go with SNRO, enter Object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: MATERIALNR (Material Master Number Ranges).

Click on Ranges after entering the Object

Create Group and assign material type to group.

2)Define Number ranges and Vendor Account Group assignment :

  1. Path: SPROà F5 à Logistic General à Business Partner àVendorsà Control à Define number ranges for vendor master records


You can directly enter T-code: OMSJ


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: KREDITOR (Vendor Number Ranges).

3) Define Number ranges and Purchasing Info record Document type assignment :

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing àPurchasing info record  à Define number ranges


You can directly enter T-code: OMEO


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: INFOSATZ (Number ranges for Purchasing Info record).

Document type IL – Purchasing Info record for stock material.

Document type IN – Purchasing info record for material group (non-stock materials).

4) Define Number ranges and Quota Arrangement Document type assignment :

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing àQuota Arrangement  à Define number ranges


You can directly enter T-code: OMEP


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: QUOTIERUNG (Number ranges for Purchasing Info record).

5) Define Number ranges and  RFQ/Quotation Document type assignment :

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing àRFQ/Quotation  à Define number ranges


You can directly enter T-code: OMH6


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: EINKBELEG (Number ranges for Purchasing Documents).

Here you can define Number range Code like 01, 02, 03…XX.

And need to assign these codes into your document types – Mentioned path below

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing àRFQ/Quotation  à Define Document type.

6)MDefine Number ranges and  Purchase Requisition Document type assignment :

    1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing àPurchase Requisitions à Define number ranges


You can directly enter T-code: OMH7


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: BANF (Number ranges for Purchasing Requisition).

Here you can define Number range Code like 01, 02, 03…XX.

And need to assign these codes into your document types – Mentioned path below

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing à Purchase Requisitions   à Define Document type.

7) Define Number ranges and  Purchase Order Document type assignment :

  1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing àPurchase Order à Define number ranges


You can directly enter T-code: OMH6


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: EINKBELEG (Number ranges for Purchasing Documents).

Here you can define Number range Code like 01, 02, 03…XX.

And need to assign these codes into your document types – Mentioned path below

  1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing à Purchase Orders   à Define Document type.

8) Define Number ranges and  Purchase Order Document type assignment :

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing àPurchase Order à Define number ranges


You can directly enter T-code: OMH6


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: EINKBELEG (Number ranges for Purchasing Documents).

Here you can define Number range Code like 01, 02, 03…XX.

And need to assign these codes into your document types – Mentioned path below

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing à Purchase Orders   à Define Document type.

9) Define Number ranges and  Contract Document type assignment :

  1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing àContracts à Define number ranges


You can directly enter T-code: OMH6


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: EINKBELEG (Number ranges for Purchasing Documents).

Here you can define Number range Code like 01, 02, 03…XX.

And need to assign these codes into your document types – Mentioned path below

  1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing à Contracts   à Define Document type.

Document type MK – Quantity contract

Document type WK – Value contract

10) Define Number ranges and  Scheduling agreement Document type assignment :

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing àContracts à Define number ranges


You can directly enter T-code: OMH6


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: EINKBELEG (Number ranges for Purchasing Documents).

Here you can define Number range Code like 01, 02, 03…XX.

And need to assign these codes into your document types – Mentioned path below

  1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Purchasing à Scheduling agreement   à Define Document type.

Document type LP – Scheduling Agreement (without release)

Document type LPA – Scheduling agreement (with release)

Document type LU – stock transport Scheduling agreement.

11) Define Number ranges and  Service entry sheet  Document type assignment :

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à External service management àNumber range s à Define number                ranges for service entry sheet.


You can directly enter T-code: OMH9


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: SERVICE3 (Number ranges for Service entry sheet).

Here you can define Number range Code like 01, 02, 03…XX.

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à External service management à Number ranges-à Assign number   ranges.

12) Define Number ranges and  Service Specification assignment :

    1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à External service management àNumber range s à Define Internal number ranges for service Specification.


You can directly enter T-code: OMH8


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: SERVICE (Number ranges for Service Specification).

Here you can define Number range Code like 01, 02, 03…XX.

  1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à External service management à Number ranges-à Assign number   ranges.

13) Define Number ranges and  Service master  assignment :

    1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à External service management àNumber range s à Define Internal number ranges for service Specification.


You can directly enter T-code: ACNR


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: LEISTUNG (Number ranges for Service master or cross application service master).

Need to define group with number ranges and assign to Service category.

Service Category:

1) GRND – Admin services

2) ALL- Other services

3) SERV – Service: Purchasing

14) Define Number ranges and  Accounting document Doc type assignment :

  1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Inventory Management and Physical inventory àNumber assignment à Define number assignment for Accounting Documents.


You can directly enter T-code: OMBA


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: RF_BELEG (Number ranges for accounting documents).

Here you can define Number range Code like 01, 02, 03…XX. At company code level and need to assign for your document type (for accounting document)

AA          Asset Posting

AB          Accounting Document

AF           Depreciation Postings

AN          Net Asset Posting

AS           Asset Sales

PR           Price Change

RA          Sub.Cred.Memo Settlement

RB           Reserve for Bad Debt

RE           Invoice – Gross

RN          Invoice – Net

RV          Billing Doc.Transfer

SA           G/L Account Document

SB           G/L Account Posting

SK           Cash Document

SU          Adjustment Document

PR           Price Change

RA          Sub.Cred.Memo Settlement

RB           Reserve for Bad Debt

RE           Invoice – Gross

RN          Invoice – Net

RV          Billing Doc.Transfer

SA           G/L Account Document

SB           G/L Account Posting

SK           Cash Document

SU          Adjustment Document

15) Define Number ranges and  Material document and physical inventory Doc type assignment :

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Inventory Management and Physical inventory àNumber assignment à Define number assignment for material and Physical Inventory Documents.


You can directly enter T-code: OMBT


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: MATBELEG (Number ranges for Material documents).

You have to create groups and assign document type to group.

Inventory documents:

IB Physical inventory documents
– ID Physical inventory documents for counts and differences
without reference
– IN Physical inventory documents for recounts
– IZ Physical inventory documents for count without reference
– WV Physical inventory documents for difference postings in the WM System

Material documents for goods movements and inventory differences

  – WA Goods issues, transfer postings, other goods receipts

– WH Goods movements for handling units (HU)
– WI Material documents for inventory adjustment postings
– WL Goods issues for delivery documents (SD)
– WQ Goods movements for usage decisions (QM)
– WR Goods movements for completion confirmations (PP)
– WS Goods movements for run schedule headers (PP)

– WZ Documents for batch status changes

Material documents for Goods Receipts:

– WE Goods receipts for purchase orders
– WF Goods receipts for production orders
– WO Subsequent adjustment of subcontract orders
– WW Subsequent adjustment of active ingredient materials

Inventory sampling numbers


16) Define Number ranges and  Reservation  Doc type assignment :

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Inventory Management and Physical inventory àNumber assignment à Define number assignment for material and Physical Inventory Documents.


You can directly enter T-code: OMC2


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: RESB (Number ranges for Reservation).

You have to create code with number range and assign in No. range reservation/dependent requirement.

17) Define Number ranges and  Incoming invoice Doc type assignment :

Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Logistic Invoice verification à Incoming invoiceà Number assignment à Maintain Number assignment for logistic documents à Maintain Number range Intervals for invoice documents


You can directly enter T-code: OMRJ


You can go with SNRO, Enter object name as mentioned below.

Object Name: RE_BELEG (Number ranges for Invoice verification).

You have to create code with number range and assign No. range code to transactions in below patch

  1. Path: SPROà F5 à Material Management à Logistic Invoice verification à Incoming invoiceà Number assignment à Maintain Number assignment for logistic documents à Transaction –Assign number range
  • RD Post invoice
  • RS Cancel/reverse invoice, ERS, EDI invoice receipt, invoicing plan, and revaluation.
Number ranges Object ID Description
MATERIALNR Material Master Number Ranges
KREDITOR Vendor Number Ranges
INFOSATZ Number ranges for Purchasing Info record
QUOTIERUNG Number ranges for Quota Arrangement
EINKBELEG Number ranges for Purchasing Documents
BANF Number ranges for Purchasing Requisition
SERVICE3 Number ranges for Service entry sheet
SERVICE Number ranges for Service specification
LEISTUNG Number ranges for Service master or cross application service master
RF_BELEG Number ranges for accounting documents
MATBELEG Number ranges for Material documents
RE_BELEG Number ranges for Invoice verification

OSS Note for Number Ranges:

  1. Oss Note : 1785208

Various errors occur during material master number range creation (transaction MMNR)

  1. Oss Note : 1793671

SNUM: Assignment of element to group not possible

  1. Oss Note : 1778386

SNUM: Groups are not transported

  1. Oss Note : 1774625

SNUM: Creating an external interval

  1. Oss Note : 1765341

SNUM: Group Creation

  1. 6)      Oss Note : 1746507

SNUM: Elements and groups

  1. 7)      Oss Note : 1742191

SNUM: Saving Intervals

  1. 8)    Oss Note : 504875

Buffering Number ranges

  1. 9)    Oss Note : 678501

System stoppage, locks on table NRIV

  1. 10) Oss Note : 572905

NR: UN-Buffered number ranges

  1. 11) Oss Note : 62077

Info: Internal number assignment is not continuous

  1. 12) Oss Note : 333356

Internal order: order numbers not assigned continuously

  1. 13) Oss note : 16236

Create material: error in ext. Number assignment

  1. 14) Oss Note : 72286

Lexicographical <-> non-lexicographical material no.

  1. 15) Oss note : 78093

Display of alternative material identifiers

Hope this document will be help full to all in Implementation and in fiscal year activities.

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