Output from IQ events
Hi all,
if you want to schedule tasks in SAP IQ with events you might face the problem of retrieving data from the event. As IQ events are running as background processes you will not receive any output to your console. Of course it is possible to insert data into a table but this might not be sufficient in any case. Maybe you check disk space and you need to be informed if a certain filling level is crossed.
This blog describes how to write information into the log-file and into a file on operating system level.
The first example shows a way of writing information into the log-file (stdout). This is the file defined with the -o option in the configuration file. If the -o option is omitted the log-file can be found in the IQ-16_0/logfiles directory. Using the “message to console” statement prints a text into the log-file. Here another job should capture the inserted message. So if you have set up a log checking process this should recognize it.
The example itself checks the database filling level and writes a warning into the log-file when the free space falls below 10%. More event types can be found in the manual:
CREATE EVENT Statement – Reference: Statements and Options – SAP Library
Example 1:
create event “DiskSpaceCheck”
type “DBDiskSpace”
where event_condition(‘DBFreePercent’) < 10
message ‘low disk space warning!! more than 90% full’
to console;
The second and third example show how to write the output into a file on operating system. In both examples a database consistency check is performed and the result is written to a file. The difference between sample 2 and 3 is that in the first one an additional step with a temporary table is included.
Example 2:
create event do_dbcc
select * into #abc from sp_iqcheckdb (‘allocation database’);
execute immediate(‘unload select * from #abc output to ”/tmp/myout” ‘);
Example 3:
create event do_dbcc
execute immediate(‘unload select * from sp_iqcheckdb(”allocation database”) output to ”/tmp/myout” ‘);
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