
Learn how to add or change the new currency type with new valuation views as parallel currency on a production site with SAP SLO support for conversion. This article is focused on the process and procedural steps in configuration to be performed prior to SLO conversion and validation after the SLO conversion. Further, the impact on New GL, Asset accounting will be discussed along with important test scenario for smooth activation of Parallel currency. You need to have SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) with the SAP New General Ledger

Key Concept

In SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) 6.0, addition & / change in the new currency type with new valuation views coupled with data migration can be adopted by default with no restriction on the kind of industry. It has the flexibility to adopt country-specific legal valuation requirements via customizing.

To start with, below table shows an overview of what is ‘As is’ and ‘To be’ scenario expected.

For our analysis, let us take a scenario where the current situation has only Company code and Group Legal view with Group Currency = CHF and in the proposed solution, to have two new views (Group view and Profit center view) with additional currency after the migration.


As Is (Figure 1)

To be (Figure 2)


10 and 30      

10 and 31 and 32


10 and 30         

10 and 31 and 32


10 and 30         

10 and 30 (unchanged)

10 is Company code currency with Legal Valuation view (0)

30 is Group currency with Legal Valuation view (0)

31 is Group currency with Group Valuation view (1)

32 is Group currency with Profit Center Valuation (2)

Current Situation

The Group view is active with the currency type 30. It means that the figures posted on the legal view are automatically converted in the group view in the controlling area currency CHF (based on the Exchange rate maintained under T-code: OB08 for all company codes not manage in CHF in their legal view)

To be Situation                                                                                                                     

Group view will be assigned to the currency type 31 and Profit center view to the currency type 32. It means that the actual figures & standard cost estimate posted in this view will still be in CHF but without any intercompany margin during cutover.

In Material Ledger, to attain the above SAP SLO can only do a conversion, but not a revaluation.

Rounding difference accounts: At implementation or reimplementation of LC2 and LC3 has no impact on LC1. So, there will be no rounding differences for LC1.

Global Settings

Use T-code: OB22 or follow IMG menu path: Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Company Code > Parallel Currencies > Define Additional Local Currencies.

Select all the live company codes for which update needs to be done. At the time of change of configuration, SAP gives the message about the criticality of change – Irreparable changes if activated and hence to contact SAP if required. But, please go ahead and update the change.

Non Leading Ledgers

IMG menu path: Financial Accounting (New) > Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) > Ledgers > Ledger > Define and Activate Non-Leading Ledgers

In the legal entities implemented with Non-Leading ledgers, it is required to update new currencies LC2 and LC3 (Figure 3 & Figure 4)

If there are settings for non-leading ledger during depreciation run & to post different depreciation amount ONLY in non-leading ledger, then during conversion depreciation area 31 & 32 will be converted based on LC1.

From this perspective, there is an impact in the Non-Leading ledgers. Hence, for these new postings, the settings in Tr. Code: OB22 are relevant for the determination of LC2 and LC3. In few countries with Non leading ledger such as FR, TR, MX, IN etc., need to update the Currency type 2(C2) and Currency type 3(C3).

It is recommended by SAP to do the above changes only doing the downtime of SLO. Other option is by the import of a corresponding special transport order request or by doing it directly in the system that is supposed to be converted.

Asset Accounting:

If already exists a depreciation area XX linked to 30, it is required to change the depreciation area to 31 and assign the same to the Currency type 31. Further, to create a new depreciation area 32 and assign the same to the currency type 32.

With the current situation, the Chart of depreciation appears as in Figure 5.

Functional consultant should create new depreciation areas under all ‘chart of depreciation’ (country specific) and to update in all the Asset classes. Depreciation area 31 and 32 are created as Copy of depreciation area 02 as shown in Figure 6.


It is very important to note, only after the SAP SLO conversion to copy the values from deprecation area 02 to 31 and 32, depreciation area 02 should be deleted. Further, it is recommended by SAP to close the previous fiscal year, even in the Test system.


The Best strategy is to plan the cut over on the beginning of the Fiscal year with the support of SAP SLO. Further, there are lot of prerequisites steps to be performed by the Business, configuration update by the Consultants and SLO activities by SAP. It is also required to run the tests in couple of test boxes to avoid surprises in production system.


Step 1

Report EWUARCH2 checks whether all critical archiving objects were marked as non-critical. Details of log in shown in Figure 7


To be checked, whether this archiving object is related to any FI-document of the current fiscal year 20XX. If it is not related to any FI-document of fiscal year 20XX, then it can be marked as non-critical (T-code EWS3)

Step 2

Report EWUMMPOA checks if a G/L account to be posted to is assigned to each posting transaction and if there are differences between the purchase order history records and the line items on the GR/IR clearing accounts

In case of Error as shown in Figure 8


Error can be ignored, as LC2 & LC3 are not relevant for MM

Step 3

Report RAEWUS1A analyzes the preconditions for starting the local currency changeover in Asset Accounting (FI-AA).

In case of Error as shown in Figure 9


The year-end closing of 20XX has not been performed for ALL company codes yet. This has to be done before starting the currency conversion (T-codes AJAB, AJRW).

Step 4

Report RFEWA012 checks the balance sheet and compares the debit items from a period with the credit items.

In case of Error, as shown in Figure 10

Detailed log, as shown in Figure 11


No fiscal year variant has been assigned to company code MX03. To assign Fiscal year variant K4 for company code MX03 as shown in Figure 12

Note: As shown above, even though the company code corresponds to the Country template legal entity provided by SAP, there should be a Fiscal Period variant to be assigned. During conversion, all the sanity checks will be done to avoid any inconsistency of data.

Step 5

Report RFEWACUS checks the necessary Customizing settings for the reconciliation programs and for document conversion:

In case of Error as shown in Figure 13


It is strongly recommended to test main Business processes, month-end-closing, processing of processes that have been created before the conversions (e.g. in logistics, CO, ML, FI…) & interfaces and reporting.


To create, rounding difference accounts for parallel currency conversion in the Chart or accounts and in company code. Also for tracking purposes, special document type and Posting keys to be created.

Step 6

Report RFEWASOA checks whether the Balances in local currency only switch is activated for particular accounts

In case of Error as shown in Figure 14



Error can be ignored for company codes that are not in the scope of the currency conversion (country templates), but has to be corrected for company code live.

“Balances in LC only” to be switched on (T-code FS00) as shown in Figure 15

Step 7

Report RFEWUC1F checks the balance carried forward in the customer, vendor and G/L account ledgers using the total of the open items as seen in Figure 16

For more details, report RFEWSBAL to be executed:


a. For Customer balances, as shown in Figure 17, if there are differences between the closing balance of previous year and opening balance of consecutive year, balance carry forward to be executed for fiscal years 20XX – 20XX (T-code F.07)

b. If      he Clearing document of the Billing document is not equal to Zero: In such scenarios, to follow SAP Note 129042 (installation of report ZFCLEAR).

Step 8

Report RGFLS1P selects the open items of a company code that were still open on the key date (beginning of current fiscal year). Only items from accounts managed on an open item basis are selected. For any errors, the system displays as shown below in Figure 18

Reason for the above error: Master records of GL-account XXXXXX/ Legal entity100X has been changed from Non-open item management to open item management AFTER the posting from above (T-code: FS00)


Mismatch between master records (T-code: FS00 -> OI-management) and document (no entry in table FAGL_SPLINO, as GL-account XXXXXX/100X was not OI-managed as the posting took place. OSS-ticket for correction to be created (component FI-GL-GL-X)

Just Before Migration

Step 1


·         All open payment runs to be processed / deleted (T-code: F110):

·         Open dunning runs  to be processed / deleted (T-code: F150)

·         Parked documents to be deleted / processed (Table VBKPF): To be clean: Also, VBKPF entries are ZERO

·         Balance carry forward to be executed for all the company codes and fiscal years (up to last closed fiscal year (T-code F.07)

Step 2


·         Year-end-closing in FI-AA till last closed Fiscal year to be done for ALL company codes (T-codes: AJAB & T-code: AJRW)

Tasks to be done during downtime:


·         Posting periods to be opened from 01-16/2XXX (T-code OB52)

·         Open payment runs (T-code F110) and dunning runs (T-code F150) to be processed / deleted -> double check

·         Parked documents to be deleted / processed -> double check


·        SAP-note 534036 to be applied – in order to achieve a good runtime for the conversion

·         Lock all users

·         Reschedule background jobs

·         Backup of all the data – in case the conversion fails for any reason

Possible issues after Data Migration and new valuation areas

In some special cases (For Eg: T-code: FAGL_YEC_POSTINGS for closing fiscal year 20XX (previous fiscal year) ), 2nd local currency balance is correctly calculated, however the closing document is saved with LC1 only. The LC2 remains equal to Zero.


Implement SAP note 2035800 or to download the corresponding support pack

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