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My Best Wishes to everyone for this New Year.

I’m new baby in blog world. I entered the forum world last year. This is my first blog. Whole idea of this blog is to cover different process chain errors we come across:


Different Process Chain Errors:

Process Chain Error:

Created process chain to load data into an ODS and further updates it to an Infocube, activate process chain, schedule the process chain to start immediate.

“Job BI_PROCESS_DROPINDEX could not be scheduled. Termination with returncode 8” – Message no. RSPC065


“Job BI_PROCESS_LOADING could not be scheduled. Termination with returncode 8”
Message no. RSPC065

The diagnosis revealed the following:
Program RSPROCESS is to be scheduled as job BI_PROCESS_LOADING under user BWREMOTE.

System response
Scheduling terminated with return code 8. The meanings of the return codes are as follows:

Scheduling terminated by user
Error when scheduling job (JOB_SUBMIT)
SY-SUBRC = 12:
Error in internal number assignment
Check the system log for more detailed information.

Execute Function

If look at the system log it will say that user …….cannot start background jobs.

To fix the problem check following OSS Notes:

Note 947690: “Process Chain: Termination with Return code 8”.

Note 511475: “Scheduling jobs with BW background users”.

Note 150315: BW-Authorizations for remote user in BW and OLTP.

Note 23538: Problems due to inconsistent host name notation.

Reason for this error is User (Which in this case is BWREMOTE), Basically system is not having backend user. In transaction SU01 create a backend user like ALEREMOTE or something similar and give authorization SAPALL to run background jobs and click on “Logon Data” Tab Page and look for User Type and change the User Type from Communication to System

User Type Communication: User type for communication between systems.

User Type System: User type for background processing and communication within a system



Process Chain Error:

Process Chain stops at intermediate point and does not execute further

Process Chain stops in the middle and does not execute further and status of step is Red but process indicator is set that process chain should proceed further even in errors. But it is not proceeding further after getting errors. When executing Transaction RSPCM and when clicking a process chain log view “Request Status Change” window pops up.

Implement these notes to solve the problem:

Note 1003941 – No check on missing instance for “hold”

Note 1005481 – Process successful, but there is no instance

Note 1008038 – Confirmation error during repair

Notes 1003941 and 1005481 are relevant to BW 3.5.

NoteS 1003941, 1005481 and 1008038 will work for BI 7.0.

Use Transaction Code SNOTE to download Notes and implement it.



Process Chain Error:

In Process Chain load data to ODS and after loading data, activate ODS data and using Infopackage to load further object.

You ran a process chain mostly it is in green, one is in yellow error

If you selected option of system suggesting you process then in the warning message system will suggest you process like:

” There must be a type “Update ODS Object Data (Further Update) process behind process “Activate ODS Object Data” var.ODS_0_customer name in the chain”.

“Update ODS Object Data (Further Update) process has to follow process” Activate ODS Object Data var.ZPAK…..in the chain.

System is suggesting while activation that the “Further Update” process type should proceed activation of ODS. System generates “Further Update”step.

Once the ODS is activated and Further Update should be added for updating the other data target. If  there are no further update process in your process chain then you can add the process type otherwise you can ignore these warnings if process chain is meeting the requirement.

If you want no corresponding processes to be inserted automatically please flag option to remove system suggesting you process go to transaction RSPC –  Your Process Chain – Settings – Default Chains – Do not suggest process

As a result, the system does not suggest, generate or insert automatically any processes into the chain.


Process Chain Error:

Activating the content for BI Admin Cockpit. When activating the process chains, get a “red” error message:

Object ……………….. of type ‘Infopackage’ is not available in version ‘D’

Based on OSS Note 966131 – Object Infopackage not found in RSOR “The InfoPackages mentioned are shadow
InfoPackages and the message is unnecessary because there should not
have been a search for the package at all.” and we should apply the
correction (as part of SPS10) for this purpose.

If on higher Support Pack than SPS10 and still having the same issue and if still not able to activate the process chains for BI Admin Cockpit.

Using the RSSM_SHIPDVERS_CLEANUP report, you can display and repair inconsistent InfoPackages if necessary.

Note 844739 – P27:SDL: Inconsistencies in shadow Infopacks and RSSHIPDVERS.

Note 885918 – P29:P6: InfoPackage shadow creation in Content System.

In the ABAP Editor, transaction SE38 execute the program RSSM_SHIPDVERS_CLEANUP which will solve the problem



When Process chain is not starting subsequent job even though the previous job completes successfully and the process is green.

Errors may occur after you import the support package. Check OSS Note 914305 – SAPBINews NetWeaver 7.0 BI Support Package 11.

In very quick parallel asynchronous processes, even though one or more processes may be successful, the process chain log may not contain any instances. As a result, the chain does not continue after the successful process. Note 994007 – Corrections: Deadlock with external status query causes this error. Check Note 1005481 – Correction: Process successful, but there is no instance and Note 1003941 – Correction : No check on missing instance for “hold”.

Above notes will help in resolving the problem.



You might have nightly load in your production system. Scheduled batch job calls initial process chain and then initial chain then calls main master data chain. Initial chain contains a start process with setting “Start using meta chain or API and then a process to call the main process chain.

Initial chain sometime fails on the step where it calls the main process chain. The main process chain will not start when this happens then need to run it manually.

Schedule the RSBTCDEL2 job to delete old finishing jobs to fix a problem as per  Note 728947 – Job count cannot be created and also check Note 784969 – The RSBTCDEL2 Program.


Process Chain Error:

Activation of DSO thru Process Chain gets failed

In BI 7.0 loading data to DSO. In the process flow Execute Infopackage – DTP – Activate DSO Data. Process Chain executes fine till last step Activate DSO Data. It fails at Activate DSO Data. DSO is getting activated manually but with process chain it fails to activate.

Error Message:
Resource error. No batch process available. Process terminated
Time limit exceeded. No return of the split processes
Activation of M records from DataStore object terminated

In SAP NW 7.0 Transaction RSCUSTA2 is obsolete. Use Transaction RSODSO_SETTINGS (Maintenance of Runtime parameters)

In transaction RSODSO_SETTINGS, Enter your Data Store Object

In Change Actions  Select “Change Runtime Parameters” and Press Execute Action.

In Parameters for Activation, Change Process Params and set to DIALOG with the server group = “Parallel_Generators”.

In Parameters for SID Generation, Change Process Params and set to DIALOG with the server group = “Parallel_Generators”.

Remove the option in “Parallel Processing” for background and with number of processes to 2 each for activation and SID.

Change the settings of the Variant ODS activation process type (Parallel Process Settings) in each  process chain for each ODS separately and change it to dialog with parallel generators with number of processes to 2 each for activation and SID. Save the variant and execute the process chain.

Check in the process chain variants for your activations. You will probably find that “Parallelism” is switched on at the bottom. And when you click it, it’s probably set to background. Change it there to dialog. These settings override the RSODSO_SETTINGS settings. You’ll have to change them all, or you could update directly in table RSBATCHPARALLEL if you have too many.

Note that even when you create an new variant, it will set it default to background. It should take it from the default in RSODSO_SETTINGS.

System checks for the background processes available for a process chain :

During the check, the system compares the result with the number of background processes on the selected server (or the total number of all available servers if no server is specified in the attributes of the process chain). If the number of parallel processes is greater than the number of available background processes, the system highlights every level of the process chain where the number of processes is too high, and produces a warning.

Special background jobs run to facilitate the execution of the process chain. Note your BTC process distribution and make sure that an extra BTC is free so the supporting background jobs can run.

Check this Notes:

Note 1118205 – RSODSO_SETTINGS Maintain runtime parameter of DataStore obj.

Note 994689 – Incorrect reading of runtime parameter for Data Stores Object


Process Chain Error – Invalid characters: If ODS activation fails because of invalid characters in that case first step would be to try to insert the new character in the allowed character set in BW. The invalid character can be seen in the error message of the ODS activation. In transaction RSKC, insert the character at the end and click on execute. After this is done activate the ODS object and it should go through sucessfully.


Please find list of other OSS Notes that might be helpful in resolving process chains errors:

Note 947687 – Process Chain run terminates with error RSPC007

Note 1024354 – Process Chain terminates when you reorganize master data.

Note 1003360 – BW fact tables: Deleting index from process chain terminates

Note 754433 – Template precalculation in a process chain terminates

Note 1057875 – Process Chain activation returns ‘Error in remote call of destination

Note 906512 – Activating process chains is very slow

Note 621400 – Number of required BTC processes for process chains

Note 833168 – Process Chain Execution hangs.

Note 192658 – Setting Parameters for BW systems.

Note 25528 – Parameter rdisp/max wprun time.


For restarting process chain check this blog:

Restarting Processchains

For Data Load Errors check this blog:

Data load errors – basic checks

For new features in BI 2004s Process Chains check this blog:

New Features in BI 2004s Process Chains

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