Production order planned Quantity report per month
The below query will helpful to know future ordered quantities need to be manufactured for specific customer per month.Further the query result will be in tabular format.
Production order planned Quantity report per month: Just paste the below query in query in query generator
SELECT [custcode]as Custcode, [1] as Jan, [2] as Feb, [3] as Mar, [4] as Apr, [5] as May, [6] as june, [7] as July, [8] as Aug, [9] as Sept, [10] as Oct, [11] as Nov, [12] as Dec
(select T0.[CardCode] as Custcode, sum(T0.[PlannedQty]) as PlanQty,month(T0.[DueDate]) as Month
from dbo.OWOR T0
where T0.[Status] NOT IN ( ‘C’ ) and (T0.[CardCode] between ‘XXX’ and ‘YYY’ or T0.[CardCode] between ‘SSS’ and ‘VVV’) and year(T0.[DueDate]) =2013 group by T0.[CardCode],T0.[DueDate] )s
(sum(Planqty) for month IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12])) P
order by [custcode]
The main two function of the query is Month and Year.
Month function will convert due date in to months like 1,2,3……12
Year function will convert due date to year like 2012, 2013
Input to query:
Add your customer code in the above query in XXX, YYY, SSS and VVV
Same way you can report for Released quantity, completed quantity for different customers.
Hope it will be helpful for producion department.
With Regards,
New NetWeaver Information at
Very Helpfull