Resolving SLD Authentication Problem
During resolving a certain problem with the XI Server, I had to undeploy certain services of the SLD and re-deploy them. When I did this, I encountered some other authentication problems. This weblog tells how that can be solved.
Whenever we install the SAP J2EE engine using installation tool SAPInst, the standard roles get automatically assigned. But if for some reason the SLD related EARs were undeployed and re-deployed, one could face the following problems.
1. Cannot access the SLD using any user having the role SAP_SLD_ADMINISTRATOR
2. Also the test for data transfer to SLD in Visual Admin, fails.
Reason: This happens because after re-deployment the security roles have not been mapped to the user groups.
Solution: This can be solved by manual assignment of security roles to the user groups. Open Visual Admin and go to Server->Services->SLD Data Supplier and go to tab HTTP Settings. Then click on this
This will ensure that the security roles are mapped to to the user group and hence allow the user with the SAP_SLD_ADMINISTRATOR role to access SLD again.
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