Sales Order Delivery Block due to Material Costing Update
Sales Order Delivery Block due to Material Costing Update
Sometimes we create sales order with Material MRP schedule line (CP). As per schedule line sales order refers the product to production department for Production Process. Then production team produce the finish goods against the Sales Order. But Sales Order line item showing “Delivery Block Status: Blocked”.
During create of sales order if material costing not update then below status shown in sales order line item.
So sales order not possible to process for delivery. During creation of Delivery for the reference sales order system give some error. Like
“Create Delivery” not allowed (Sys. Status cost, object VB ……………………………)
How can we solve the error?
That’s mean delivery is not allow for this sales order due to material costing update. This sales order material has a BOM and BOM item component. This material and component item also needs to update material price costing. For this material we need to maintain Activity Type / Price Planning by Cost Center and Activity Type wise.
We can use this transaction by T-Code: KP26
Like : Cost Center : Production
After maintain Activity Type / Price Planning we can active the material costing price update by T-Code: CK11N
now open the sales order and save the sales order then material costing already updated and sales order material block status changed in ” Not Blocked” Status.
now this sales should be allow for delivery process.
T-code: VL01N
this way we can remove sales order update material costing and allow for delivery process.
best regards,
Md. Enayet Hossain
New NetWeaver Information at
Very Helpfull