SAP Analytics Cloud Performance Analysis Tool



Why do we need it?

Sap Analytics Cloud Performance Analytics requires third-party tools such as Google Chrome developer tools, experience, and course time. It then collects performance statistics and stores them in the SAP Hana internal view. You don’t have to view each request through network traffic and assign them to widgets or back-end systems. You will do this automatically. Here get to know the details of SAP Analytics Performance Tool.

When can I get it?
An analytics application called Wave 2021.02 and 2021.QRC Release Performance Analysis Tools will be available.

Where can I get it?
It is deployed to the SAC content folder in the system folder directory for each default value. You do not need to deploy it from the analytics content network.  This system folder is already deployed in wave 2020.14 and 2020.Q3 QRC.
The contents of the bag already contain the following analytical models:
SAC_STATISTICS_MDS_QUERY_PERF (back-end statistics)
SAC_USER_FRIENDLY_PERF_ACTION (front-end statistics)
SAC_PERFORMANCE_E2E (network statistics and current single-user execution)
It is designed to provide information about back-end, network, and front-end statistics.
This section of performance content helps you analyze individual stories or analyze the execution of your application. Performance analysis tools are based on model models that have been implemented SAC_PERFORMANCE_E2E.

How do I use it?
When you run an analytics application, a search bar appears when you launch the performance analysis tool. This search bar has a default filter for the current date, but you can adjust it as needed.
You can also configure users and resources to further refine your search. A resource can be a story or an analytics application.

What does it have?

  • Overview and filter columns

When you enter the analysis section of your application, you’ll see an overview of the story or analytics app, and you’re about to analyze it. But before we go into the details of the individual sections of this overview, let’s look at the top of the page. You can go back to the home screen or select a screen, select a different run for analysis, or change the filtering criteria to update the selection. Depending on whether the analysis is displayed in seconds or milliseconds, it provides an opportunity to switch between the two formats in the upper right corner of the page

  • More changes

Some widgets in the Overview section can also be used to filter the following tables and charts on the same page. This overview can be divided into five sections.

  1. Overview section
    The first resource is user details and open resources. Information about users, timestamps, story or analytics applications, and session IDs. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to open resources that you can study directly from performance analysis tools. This will help you understand the design, structure, and complexity.
    User information and resources
    Next to this section is a single page of information that is part of the workflow. For each page used, the start time is displayed. This is the time between the operation that takes you to an open story or page, and when the last widget on the page is fully represented. Hover over the bar to see when the page was taken and start the operation. If the page is displayed n times, it is displayed n times, such as pages 1 and 3.

Third, the top five widgets are listed. These widgets have a lot of resources on every page visited. Display time is the sum and total processing time of a single processing time for a widget. This means that widgets are aggregated if the widget is loaded multiple times because the page has been accessed multiple times or because the filtering criteria have changed.

Model details

The last part of the title is the runtime distribution of each processing layer. This section contains two widgets that allows you to compare the maximum time of each processing layer with the average value of the corresponding layer.

Process information

Provides a view of the three tables. Perform widget time distribution, page load time, and hole bits.

Runtime distribution

The runtime distribution shown in the following figure lists the start time, actions, and pages of the operation. You have set out to show the total processing time for each action. Therefore, do not confuse this total processing time with the time between the end and end of the action. These are the aggregate values for each widget triggered by a particular action. Also, the time of each layer is an aggregation of all widgets triggered by the operation. This gives an idea of the total processing time of the operation and therefore the influence of each layer

Page load time

The page load time indicates the actual end-to-end time for each action. This structure is similar to the run-time distribution, but does not aggregate different measures. Shows the total time for each action. This is the time between the start of the operation and the last widget on the page being rendered. This total time can be timed into page preparation and widget load times.

Page preparation is the time between the moment the operation starts and the moment the first widget starts loading. Widget load time is the time to complete rendering from the first widget to the last widget. The sum of the two is the total time or the end time.

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