SAP CodeJam Buenos Aires
SAP CodeJam Buenos Aires
SAP CodeJam Buenos Aires: Here we are in Q4 of 2012, and a dozen CodeJam events later. It’s been amazing year and more is to come. Currently we have 3 more events being finalized so what number this event will actually be when it happens is hard to say but WOW are we pumped to have come this far on just a little idea of putting developers together to have a chat!
It’s with wonder and pride that I announce SAP CodeJam Buenos Aires happening in December!
Luckily I’ve not been alone on this journey and we’ve been ramping up many more “hosts” of these events around the world, our goal is to scale into the local areas and eventually have each event done in the local language to increase the comfort levels of you the developers!
You need to SIGN UP and reserve your spot as soon as possible! We’ll shoot all of you an email with a checklist you’ll need to take a look at before hand but other wise you just need to show up with your laptop and desire to enter the world of SAP HANA. Well help you walk through some of the tutorials and help you get yourself online and running with your free developer license! Major thanks go out to Diego Dora and Stefan Schaffer for sticking with us while we got things worked out and got this going! It’s great working with Partners!!
December 15, 2012 starting at 1:00 pm
Bouchard 644, 7th Floor, Office #C
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Remember seating is very limited during this concept phase so be sure to SIGN UP quickly!
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