Hello community,

with SAP GUI for Windows 7.50 we have started the deprecation of the old themes “Classic” and “Enjoy” (including “Stramline” and “Tradeshow”). “Deprecation” means that we will not invest into these themes anymore and that we will remove them from the release following 7.50 (which is likely going to be called “7.60”).

This is intended as a heads-up information for all who are presently using “Classic” or “Enjoy”.

The remaining available themes will be:

  • SAP Signature Theme
  • Corbu Theme
  • Blue Crystal Theme
  • Belize Theme (also known as “Fiori visual theme for classical applications” – this theme can be used when running SAP S/4HANA 1610 and newer releases of SAPS/4HANA)

After the upgrade to SAP GUI for Windows 7.60 users who had selected “Classic” or “Enjoy” will get the default theme of the new release instead. This will likely be Blue Crystal Theme and Belize Theme (for SAP S/4HANA).

For compatibility reasons we will not apply any changes in release 7.50.

Our recommendation is to switch to one of the more modern themes as quickly as possible. The new themes offer multiple advantages over the old ones, like:

  • Better scalability (especially when it comes to the icons)
  • DPI awareness
  • Better integration with other SAP UI Frameworks (which never offered Classic or Enjoy anyway)

When running SAP S/4HANA 1610 we recommend using the Belize theme which introduces a really modern and Fiori-like look in SAP GUI:

Best regards,
Frank Krause

New NetWeaver Information at SAP.com

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